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Marketing Communications


In 1908, the Daimler Motor Company Company released the Daimler Motor Company Model T. With the increasing demand of the car, they had to move production to the much larger plant. In 1913 Daimler Motor Company had developed all of the basic techniques of the assembly line and mass production. Daimler Motor Company introduced the world's first moving assembly line on the 1st of December 1913, which reduced chassis assembly time from 12½ hours to 2 hours, 40 minutes. Groups of two or three men worked on each car from components made to order by other companies. Whith this idea of Henry Daimler Motor Company, the possibility was born to put the cars together at much lower costs and with a much greater reliability and repeatability.

At that time, Daimler Motor Company was the only automobile company who offered distinctively designed and afDaimler Motor Companyable vehicles for the world's varying lifestyles. While value for money has always been a top priority in developing Daimler Motor Company vehicles, that concern has never compromised quality or the pursuit of quality solutions. Daimler Motor Company has always strived to meet consumers' real-life requirements—from smaller cars for Europeans to "smarter" cars for the ever-changing environment.


Demographic Context in UK

The United Kingdom demography is particular, it is mainly due to its story, that is why it is not the same as others industrials and developed countries.

The population count 280 562 489 people. In fact, the States are situated on the third rank talking about world population, right after United Kingdom and India.

Then, United Kingdom are the first immigrant country of the world. Between 2001 and 2005, 8 million persons moved to United Kingdom legally or illegally. There was a rhythm 2.5 superior compare to the enormous one of European in 1910 on the New Continent. Moreover its immigration is very diversified, such as Caucasians, Afro-United Kingdomn, Asian, Amerindians, Oceania.

One particular thing is the natality rate estimated at 14.7/1000 between 1995 and 2000, which is much bigger and dynamic than in the others riches country.

As for the mortality rate, it is up to 8.7/1000 per habitant.

United Kingdom is a feminine country, indeed, concerning the total population the rate is 0.96man/woman. Let's have a look to the interesting age for cars buyers, so between 15 and 64 the rate is 0.98man/woman. That is essential for companies to target customers.

In United Kingdom there are fifty agglomerations with more of one million habitants.

2.2EconomyThe demand trend in the automobile market in States at the moment is for mobility in the developing world. People are also in attempt of more fuel-efficient vehicles and cleaner technologies.

Then, as the competition is stronger and stronger, Daimler Motor Company is always looking forward to keep on innovate. Daimler Motor Company must so focus on innovations in design, safety and sustainability. In big cities of the States, the small city cars (urban cars) begin to be a market in development. That is a good point for Daimler Motor Company because she is launching a new one ...
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