How I Initially Identified the Children's Interests?4
How I Extended the Experiences Based on the Children's Initial Interests4
What EYLF Pedagogical Practices Underpinned My Experiences5
How I Introduced New Language/Literacy Opportunities6
The Learning That Was Facilitated By My Actions7
Table 1: Plan for the Intended Progress of the child12
Table 2: Anbar 2003. Reading acquisition of preschool children without systematic instruction, Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 1, 69-8313
Figure 1: Development of Sarah, Daniel and Kate according to the plan.13
Table 3: Training sessions and evaluation on a daily basis14
Figure 2: Drawing Made By Daniel15
Interest-Based Emergent Literacy Project
Historically, parents were recognized as their children's primary educator. They were ultimately responsible for their children's education, socialization and upbringing. Parents were responsible for educating their children at home prior to the establishment of formal schools and the implementation of compulsory schooling (Stewart et al. 2001).
The problem of learning is a general term that describes specific learning disabilities. A learning disability can cause a person to have trouble learning and using certain skills. The skills that are most often affected are reading, spelling, listening, speaking, reasoning, and mathematics. Learning problems are evident in the early school years because they are directly related to materials from which it determines the correct academic performance. This concept applies mostly to school children, before entering first grade, or during the first 7 years. The difficulty in reading is called dyslexia the writing is called dysgraphia and arithmetic is called dyscalculia.
Learning disabilities vary between people. A person with learning disabilities may have a different problem to another person. The researchers believe that learning disabilities are caused by differences in the functioning of the brain and how it processes information (Ancona 1982). Children with learning disabilities are not dumb or lazy. In fact, have a level of intelligence above average or average, what happens is that their brains process information differently.
Accompanying the learning problems, children have little memory, poor attention, poor organization, impulsively, incomplete tasks and disruptive behaviors. All this caused by an emotional response that is competing with their learning. At home, they tend not to follow directions from parents, presumably because they forget, their social activities typically are conducted with younger children (Ancona 1982).
Extent of Learning Disabilities
Among students at public schools, it is estimated that 5 percent has learning disabilities (Joseph et al. 2003). In the broadest sense, learning disabilities involve a marked and chronic discrepancy between a person's intellect and achievement. Usually, in diagnosing the condition, there will be an attempt to rule out the influence of the following (Cupples et al. 2002):
Poor schooling (if others similarly situated seem to be doing well).
Psychological retardation.
Illnesses that might affect learning (Langenberg et al. 2000).
Poor vision or hearing.
Cultural influences.
Economic disadvantages.
The effects of absenteeism.
Profile of the children
The background of the selected children is that they live near my home. They do not have excellent learning opportunities as compared to other children of ...