Linux Operating System, How Linux differs from Windows
Linux Operating System
IBM is teaming up with government of Brazil to develop country's expertise in open-source software such as Linux, technology giant announced Friday. Big Blue signed letter of intent with South American country, stating shared vision of developing technology that's based on open-source software and open standards, according to statement released by IBM.
IBM's deal with Brazil is third major international Linux announcement for technology giant this week. The company on Wednesday touted deals with United Kingdom and Russia. Other nations are looking into Linux as well. Japan, Korea and China have formed group to develop open-source software as replacement for Windows in certain applications. (Weeks 2004)
Both Linux and Windows are growing forces in server market, according to industry researcher IDC. The firm recently estimated that Microsoft Windows grew to account for 55 percent of server operating system market, while Linux jumped to 23 percent of market in 2002.
IBM didn't offer any further details of deal with Brazil.
PC World
Desktop Linux Could Be Costly
Businesses may not save money by switching to alternative OS, researcher says.
Using Linux operating system might save you money on your servers, but most enterprises shouldn't expect to see same cost saving if they switch their Microsoft Windows desktops over, report from Gartner said Wednesday. (Burkhardt 2010)
In latest in series of Linux-versus-Windows papers published by research companies recently, Gartner said that while many servers are dedicated to running single application, and can therefore be replaced quite easily, desktop environment is more difficult. Last week, Microsoft released benchmark results that it said showed Linux performing poorly on mainframe against Windows 2003 in value for money.
Earlier this week, Forrester Research released Microsoft-commissioned report saying that creating and maintaining custom Web-based application with Java and Linux ...