UNIX and Linux are what are known as network operating systems. This means that all of their functions and uses are directed toward interaction with other computers. UNIX and Linux changed the computer world by letting computers of different types work together well. Networking is now a major part of the computer industry. Linux is an operating system far more powerful than the ordinary Mac or Windows O.S (Frisch, 21-28). Many serious computer users use them because they grant total control over the computers functions. "I would like to point out that Linux is the first operating system in major use created outside of the United States of America."
How are UNIX/Linux systems used today?
Linux is based closely after UNIX with elements of DOS and Minix. Now Linux has the chance to overthrow Windows to become the top O.S. Linux has many clear advantages but it is not for a novice computer user. A computer with Linux can be adapted to the type of user you are. Linux is very popular with network administrators, hackers, and computer programmers (Siever, 32-39). Linux is also free to distribute and a professional distribution is very low priced to buy.
What are some of the features of common file editors available in UNIX?
The ability to multitask well is one of UNIX and Linux's greatest abilities. Multitasking is running many programs at once. A computer with Linux or UNIX can perform many operations at once with out losing drastic amounts of performance speed. Another advantage to these operating systems is the small amount of room that they take up on a hard drive. The entire Linux O. S. requires less than 500 megabytes of space on a hard drive (Welsh, 21-29). One of the reasons for ...