Wars, epidemics, unemployment, divorce, and other events classified the twenty-first century as the century of depressed. The problem is so severe, that according to World Health Organization, depression will be the second leading cause of disability for work in 2020. Recently, it was discovered that 45% of already infracted experienced a depressive episode. Depression no longer consequence and just turns a risk factor for other diseases, it also begins to target people in the prime of youth, where the average age of its first manifestation has fallen from 40 for 26 years. Children and adolescents currently integrate the role of consumers of antidepressants (Roy, 2005).
The term encompasses a variety of depression psychopathological disturbances, which differ considerably as to symptoms, severity, course, and prognosis. Often confused with stress or sadness depression, but the latter is much more intense and is seen as a profound functional impotence towards life. Generally, the depression encompasses changes normal mood before losses or other problems or emotional nature, manifestation of physical illnesses, and side effects of medications, which the patients are using. Moreover, it can also be a manifestation of brain neuro chemical, which brings about the changes in people genetically predisposed. There is a great distance between depressive illness, depressive feelings, and thoughts normal.
The legal aspects of depression permeate the person's life, changing the relentlessly everyday existence; the depression can lead to suicide. Generally, the clinical depressive state is characterized by delay in psychic processes, humor depressed and / or irritable mood, decreased energy, inability partial or full of feeling joy or pleasure disinterest, difficulty concentrating and thoughts negative imprint (Aguirre, 2008). Many people have both symptoms physical and psychological, but the exact nature of the disease may vary from one person to another. An individual can the predominance exhibit some disease symptoms, which differ from the predominant symptoms in another individual.
Unfortunately, physical illness often seems to be more socially acceptable for an upset emotional, as is depression. The Depression is a painful emotional state, so a serious illness that should be treated, and demystified further clarified in the population; it affects drastically the social and personal life of the individual, preventing from having quality of life in all aspects.
Legal Aspects triggering Depression
Primarily, patients with depression present or describes with humor saddened, depressed, sometimes irritable so persistent and pervasive in most part (Moragne, 2001). Some patients feel no longer pleasure in activities that were enjoyable before them, as for example, watching television and socializing with family.
Generally, the appearance of depression characterized by an image tired and worried where keeps staring, sad, gloomy, and frowning. The body tends to remain bent and partially neglect, as the overall appearance is evident. Cognitive processes characteristically decrease, reflecting the low esteem, which is a hallmark of depression. The patient can also have thoughts of suicidal and thus can plan and carry out suicide or attempts to succeed.
The intellectual performance decreases, as most frequent complaints are difficult to reason concluding thoughts, develop ideas, difficulty remembering ...