1(A) Holistic, Evidenced Based Mental Health Nursing Interventions
The mental health needs of the Margaret may vary and mental illness could be prevented by maintaining appropriate mental health interventions (Tilley, 2005). The nursing on mental health could be:
* The efficacy of psychiatric treatment and medicine for schizophrenic patients.
* Attending to mental health needs of older adults suffering from depression and loneliness.
* Youth and adolescent problem of drinking and drugs and its relation with mental health.
* Understanding the mental health needs of women subjected to sexual and physical abuse.
* A comparative study of mental health issues in urban and rural societies.
* Stress and mental illness among gays, lesbians and bisexuals, due to social pressures.
* Unemployment as a factor in aggravating mental health problems.
* Socioeconomic backgrounds of individuals and evidence of mental illness.
* The link between mental illnesses and suicides in the urban youth population.
* Understanding the legal aspects of mental health research.
(B) Demonstrate an understanding of the need to empower and work collaboratively with Margaret and to practice in an anti-discriminatory manner.
The health goals of Margaret s with serious mental illness are greatly improved when their Margaret al power is advanced. Two targets of empowerment are discussed in this paper: treatment partnerships and community opportunities (Harris, et al., 2002). Strategies that enhance treatment partnerships include provider endorsement of recovery rather than promoting an approach that suggests poor prognoses, treatment plans that are collaborative rather than unilateral decision making that is perceived as coercive, and treatment services provided in the Margaret's community rather than geographically or psychological distant institutions (Gamble, 2000).
Approaches that focus on the Margaret and treatment relationship are not sufficient however. Stigma and discrimination are significant barriers to the kind of community opportunities that are necessary to help people attain life goals. Communities that substitute stigmatizing attitudes and discriminatory behaviors with realistic views of mental illness are more likely to provide the kind of reasonable accommodations that some people need for work and independent living opportunities.
(C) Evaluate the contribution of multidisciplinary working in enabling the provision of psychological, practical and human support to those in psychological distress. (MDT)
It is important to identify and address the causes likely to be associated with lack of response to treatment. They include an incorrect diagnosis; a comorbid psychiatric diagnosis, such as panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, and substance abuse; a comorbid medical diagnosis; noncompliance; treatment-limiting side effects of medication; inadequate dosages of medications; psychosocial stressors; and the natural course of illness. Most of these issues have been addressed in this discussion(www.mind.org.uk).
Margaret's diagnosis appears consistent with the case description; there also appears to be no evidence of comorbid psychiatric or medical conditions that would explain the refractory nature of Margaret's illness. He has not reported side effects as a major problem. We are left with a few possibilities, namely, noncompliance, which is clearly the case, incorrect dosages of medications, and the natural course of the ...