As teachers, how managers can subscribe to a combination of both sets of values and ideas that their behavior in a learning situation can fit into one or other of the five categories that describe their management style. They are briefly described below (numbers in parentheses represent the scale of assessments for the task and people orientation, respectively):
Hard Teacher: In this situation, the teacher plans and prepares materials for and teaches in the classroom and send students to the goal. In extreme cases, it is done in such a mechanical way, that little or no breaks or participation is not allowed, and the interaction between teacher and students is reduced to an absolute minimum.
Soft Teacher: the main concern of teachers is to meet the social needs of students in the relationship. The main emphasis is on harmony and ensures easy, not a threatening situation, which may or may not lead to effective learning. The collection is a pleasant pastime, but made very little progress.
One important implication for teachers is that their competence in the subject area or areas of inquiry may not be sufficient to ensure the required effectiveness of the training situation. There is a need to acquire knowledge in dealing with people, understanding their social and psychological needs, and for understanding the dynamics of learning and group interaction. In addition, it would be desirable to allow others to monitor our management styles and to comment on this issue for further improvement. In other words, skills and abilities that are considered to enhance the effectiveness of managers in other industries may be equally applicable to teachers as leaders of learning situations.
In the field of language pedagogy importance of disclosure of metaphors about teaching and learning of language was recognized and a number of studies have used metaphor analysis to study the characteristics of the profession of teaching language and describe the teacher-student interaction.
Art-oriented metaphors, some studies have emphasized the creative side of learning (eg, "teaching is the sculpture", "learning is a painting"), and in business-oriented metaphors (eg, "teaching is the sales, delivery of teaching, the teaching of marketing ") knowledge is perceived as a commodity which must be effectively delivered. Scientific-popular metaphor describes the training, and after a certain set of rules and principles that can be replicated and to test empirically. These metaphors (eg, "the doctrine opens the combination lock," ...