Information Management System

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Information Management System

Information Management System


Organizations are experiencing a paradigm shift in the development of their information systems: from data to processes. The aim pursued by this is emphasize business processes to achieve architectures more agile and flexible, adaptable the continuous changes that occur in markets in which organizations develop your business. The management goal is to wean business process applications, for any change in the logic Business does not affect the application code. For this purpose, they use the management systems business processes (BPMS) (Davenport, 1993, pp.7).

The Case of Glamour Beauty Clinic

'Glamour Beauty Clinic' is owned and operated by Eti Duro and Ade Dosu. It offers various beauty and skin care treatments for their clients. It also sells personal care products that are related to their services. The clinic is managed by the owners and the present staff. The appointment is scheduled and confirmed on the phone and recorded in a diary. Similarly, the product details are maintained in the file as well as for insufficient product catalogues are also available. Sell details of products to the customer and purchase details from the dealer is again maintained in accounts file. There is no system in place for scheduling the appointment as well as for maintaining. The sell/purchase details of the products. Anybody who takes the client call has to check the entire diary before confirming/scheduling the appointment. And the staff member who is free when client asks for any product services the customer and maintains the records on accounts file. Because of this at the end of the day after closing down the clinic the staff needs to update the activities done throughout the day to the owners verbally. Thus at this time, all processes are completed manually. The schedules and appointments are handwritten in diaries. Clients do not receive any receipts for the payment made for treatment as well for the purchase of any product.


Glamour beauty clinic aims to create a computer based system where all the information related to clients, their appointment details; list the available products along with the price and other related information.

The Customer Information Management System Design

The system to be designed is named as Matrix because it will handle various operations at the same time. In the beginning, the basic orientation will be directed toward increasing the sales, focusing on the mere act of business transaction resulting from the combination between supply and demand, the focus today is the need to go beyond the simple transaction, emphasizing the need to find mechanisms and tools that help establish, develop and design relationships in time ties between the company and its customers Customer Care and Billing will provide the ability to manage all aspects of the life cycle of the provision of services, payment processing and debt collection. In addition, the solution supports related functions such as instrumentation control, sales and marketing will offer an extremely flexible mechanism for determining the rates and the effective application for managing contact centre operations (Miller, 2001, ...
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