Developing an In-House Information System Development Staff
Developing an In-House Information System Development Staff
Management information systems (MIS) are designed to arrange and interpret information stored in a digital format. These systems automate sorting and inquiry using computers and provide reports that are the bases for decision making by staff and officials. As a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of IBM I think that it is very important to develop a comprehensive and compact in-house information system for the comprehensive growth of the organization.
Developing an In-House Information System Development Staff
As a CEO I think that the Information System (IS) is a part of a larger social system composed of individuals and groups. In their social lives, individuals, groups, or business units experience information needs whose satisfaction would enable them to solve organizational problems. These organizational problems may be located at the level of the task, process, organization, or industry. Information needs pertaining to a problem can be formalized into a requirements analysis. In this sense, an IS is an answer to information requirements for a particular problem; the IS, combined with new procedures, processes, competencies, and resources will lead to new capabilities that will solve the identified problem with the help of information technology.
In the light of my knowledge I think a management information system, as the term is generally understood, is “an integrated, user-machine system for providing information to support operations, management, and decision-making functions in an organization.
In order for a problem to be solved, an IS must be developed or adapted in accordance with the requirements analysis. Approaches and methods for developing an IS have changed with the appearance of new IT capabilities. Each IS development project requires the explicit and formal expression of a stated problem. That formalization expressed through various approaches and formal languages leads ...