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Humanities Task

Humanities Task

Description of the Baroque Period, its Characteristics and Social Conditions

The origin of the word baroque is not clear. It was derived from the Portuguese or Castilian baroque pearl, a term that refers to a type of irregular-shaped pearls. The word is an epithet coined later and with negative connotations, does not define the style to which it refers. Anyways, in the late eighteenth century baroque term became part of the vocabulary of art criticism as a label to define the artistic style of the seventeenth century, which many critics later rejected as too outlandish and exotic to merit serious study. Baroque art encompasses many regional particularities. It may seem confusing, for example, classified as baroque to two such diverse artists as Rembrandt and Gian Lorenzo Bernini, however, and despite the differences, his work has undeniable elements common to the baroque, as concerns about the dramatic potential light. (Bouwsma, 1988)

Among the general characteristics of Baroque art is its sense of motion, energy and tension. Strong contrasts of light and shadow enhance the scenic effects of many paintings, sculptures and architectural works. An intense spirituality appears frequently in scenes of ecstasy, martyrdom and miraculous occurrences. The implication of great spaces is common in Baroque painting and sculpture, both in the Renaissance and in the Baroque painters in his work always tried to correct representation of space and perspective. Naturalism is another essential feature of Baroque art; the figures are not represented in the tables as mere stereotypes, but on an individual basis, with its own personality. The artists sought the representation of inner feelings, passions and tempers, beautifully reflected in the faces of his characters. The intensity and immediacy, individualism and details of the Baroque are expressed in the realistic depiction of the skin and clothes, made him one of the deepest styles of Western art. The roots of baroque art are found in Italian, especially in Rome at the end of the sixteenth century. The universal desire inspired many artists in their reaction against the anti-classicism and interest Mannerist subjective distortion, asymmetry, bizarre juxtapositions and intense color. (Cochrane, 1940)

Description of the Rococo Period, its Characteristics and Social Conditions

Rococo art is art produced in the rococo style, a style of artistic expression that engrossed in France in the start of the 18th century; and people till now have referred to this as 'French style' art with reference to his nation of ancestry. Like most art schools, it has ardent fans and fierce detractors. Critics often reject the rococo as light and fluffy, without depth or texture, even though this is belied by the complexity of baroque houses, which provided a detailed and huge ornate interior design. As the art of earlier periods, the rococo incorporates many symbolic plants, animals, and themes, as someone who takes the time to scrutinize the rococo learn. Although born in France, it spread to other parts of Europe, and was adopted with great enthusiasm in Germany, where excellent examples of Rococo art ...
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