As school culture is an integrated field of knowledge, research results collected by a variety of scientific subjects (cultural anthropology, social anthropology, ethnology, sociology, psychology, speech linguists, historians), so the task analysis is done through a combination of methods and goals of awareness, gathering around a centre of culture and other aspects of it. In the process of cultural studies analysis, the methods of each subject used a selective manner, the ability to solve problems, analyze them in terms of cultural studies. In the methodology of cultural studies also applies to the separation, common to the social sciences and humanities, is divided into methods for the study of basic knowledge and methods associated the acquisition of knowledge with experience. Separation can also add a special group of field research methods of cultural knowledge applied. In recent decades of application knowledge framework appears methods and techniques of cultural studies subjects such as new ecological anthropology, urban anthropology, cultural projects and social, organizational links and joint institutions including consultants adaptation, public communication.
Different observations regarding culture
A grouping of research methods learn another culture rooted in traditional methods of distribution in history, the scientific division of natural science and scientific spirit. By the twentieth century, researchers began to speak to the use of social analysis, and, cultural analysis methods of the humanities studies, and, cultural studies in social, and, educational systems thinking terms of scientific Russian school. When talking about the human sciences, one is referring to the combination of the methods of philological studies, literary studies, history, cultural theory, religious studies, art education, ethnic media, cultural anthropology, philosophy, and ethics. However, when it comes to the social sciences, it is included in this group of methods of economics, political science, ethnography, sociology. In the first group, the primary task is to study the individual characteristics of the culture, comparing them, describing the initial development of material culture. At the same time, people also use the methods associated with the deep understanding of culture, infiltrate within the meaning of the phenomenon and its value, in one way or another, associated with the point realization of political tendencies. Among them, importance is the method of ethnographic field (description, classification, method of residues and methods of observation, open interviews of psychology and sociology, the methods of history (including history method comparison), text analysis in the framework of resolution of intelligent learning systems (Allik, 2002, 103).
Thus, the first group of methods at a higher level, capable of reflecting the world of space objects and events by cultures, reflecting the flow also experience cultural isolation of human weakness, as well as the characteristics of cultural phenomena such as the differences, similarities, it is difficult to express what's unique. These methods can easily reflect the phenomenon of change or artistic integrity, but it is difficult to determine their own form of volatility and that the integrity. The methods, that work best with the culture medium scale units, and, allows the study of what has ...