One of the biggest challenges facing the students in Middle school Education is to successfully complete this stage of their schooling, is the lack of understanding of what they read and the consequent inadequacy for both understands the concepts and ideas presented to them to respond adequately to the proposed tasks in the classroom. The concern about the lack of reading comprehension is present at school and families, but also society in general feels that assumes image of teenagers hooked on the visual and unmotivated by in- against sitting and reading tastes, even for pleasure. Although the love of reading have a value beyond question, the first responsibility is to train school proficient readers, ie they have the mental tools necessary to understand and ex- express what is read, heard and what is written in the classroom. This statement moves away from the idea, often admitted that reading comprehension is objective and sole task of the humanities (Gloria, 2003). In all areas that skill is required and no teacher can avoid responsibility for develop in students the ability to understand the texts through which conveys a lot of knowledge. In short, the textual development of competition should be a common goal all teachers to ensure that their students understand what they read and are able to express, both orally and in writing. This is not to change plans and programs of study. Above all, delicacy- dial feel the need to reflect on the implications of the interdisciplinary work of reading, writing and oral communication, and then adopt strategies that enable their development in all areas of curriculum. The purpose of the Reading Plan is to coordinate the actual performance that teachers are being implemented daily, not in a timely manner or anecdotal. Therefore, it should be a dynamic instrument subject to possible accommodations or modifications (Michael, 2004).
Need of studying the Course
One of the basic school skills are reading, which operates not only in the teaching process, but it is also an indispensable skill in daily life, useful in satisfying their own interests. Reading proficiency and reading comprehension in particular, determines the continuous process of gaining knowledge and information. There is thus a need to improve the "art of reading", hence the idea to conduct such activities (Amita, 2003).
In teaching the teacher - librarian, I use various forms of work with a book and reader. Workshop, which I would have used to improve reading skills and the quality of students, thereby developing their activity and culture readership. To this end, I gathered a rich set of interesting exercises in various forms, which were used as a tool to achieve the objectives of the program (Fraser, 1982).
Assumptions of the program
The program is aimed at teaching reading to students in middle school, who represent at least an average level of reading, and would like to develop and improve their capabilities in this area. It is also a useful way to spend free time, combined with ...