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Human Resource

Human Resource

Human Resource

What Are the Responsibilities of this particular HR dept?

Some Human Resource Department Have Maintained year old command and control mentality, see Where They're Making Their jobs are safe and employed managers are Doing What They Are supposed to. Is everyone on time?Why not?What about ill leave? Are Being Followed all the rules? It's Not That argument Departments are Misguided, Because Some rules (eg. chartering practices, safety, harassment, etc.) ARE important and desires to Be managed by a centrally company. However, certain programs and procedures May Be Best Handled by a central department Because Of the Need to Coordinate Some Action across the Entire company. Problems Arise, howeve, When The HR Department forgets That It's Purpose Is To Serve the Needs of the company, the managers and the employed, to help THEM get the work done.

After all, is your company's human resources department has PROFIT CENTER?Of course not. The HR department Does not Produce Anything gold sell Anything But it can help the rest of the company make or sell Things Things by smoothing the path On Some matters.

What sets apart good from bad HR Department Is That the bad ones Lose Their service orientation, and Forget That If They do not help others get jobs done Their, They Will not get cooperation from giving further THEY Should Be Helping. The good ones while Recognize That They Are obligated to do Some adjustment of Some Processes, That THEY can play important leadership roles in the organization. And That Does Not mean Dictating goal balancing off the Needs of the organization with the Needs of the managers and employed.

How does this firm stay current on HR Laws, Rules and Regulations Regarding personnel issues?

Let's take a year for example: performance appraisal. Poor HR agencies proceed about presentation appraisal this way. ...
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