Human Resource

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Human Resource

International Culture and Human Resource

International Culture and Human Resource

Attraction of Africa for the Chinese

Chinese government and companies has in recent years, intensified their involvement in Africa. These companies are working in numerous fields, from developing corporation, fostering trade, to investment in different projects and migration of workers. As the continent is not technological developed and with minimum media freedom, the ethical and human rights violation seldom emerge in the news. The issues which make the headlines, highlights the gravity of violation of environmental and social violations carried out by Chinese companies to the local. On a broader aspect, Chinese companies and government engagement is advocated for the prosperity of the Africa (Maphosam 1998). The continent has seen worst days of violence and destruction of infrastructure which requires rebuilding. China has said to be helping these countries to make use of their mineral wealth and develop themselves to the level international economies. The world however, is concerned about the human resource violations among other hazards to the people of Africa. Mistreatment, underpayment, non-payment of overtime, meagre wages and hazardous workplace are all among the issues being faced by the human resource working in the Chinese owned or contracted business in African countries (Maphosam 1998). The primary attractions are the untapped resources available in the continent. Africa is extremely rich in minerals and raw materials which China requires to fulfil for its growth and for meeting the international export requirements. African region provides an increased proximity to Chinese origin products to United States and Europe. The economies of African countries are not well developed to formulate a equally beneficial agreements with the Chinese firms, which has provided the opportunity to the Chinese firms. From contracts of development to investment opportunities of extracting minerals, the land of Africa provides numerous opportunities. For the Chinese companies to have a sustainable future in Africa, they must adopt global human resource practices as well as follow ethical and environmental guidelines.

Staffing Strategies for Multinational Companies

Companies working globally have numerous challenges while staffing. The company undergoes numerous challenges, and has to develop human resource policies which are inline of company's strategic objectives, local and international laws, human rights and provide a good competitive advantage to the company (Cascio & McEvoy, 2003).

Howard Perlmutter (1969) did some semi theoretical work on the multinationals and they way they manage their “foreign workers”. Perlmutter classified organizations on their attitude towards hiring workers of foreign origin. He initially identified three classifications of multinational firm's staffing practices in central positions of headquarter and subsidies (Perlmutter, 1969). In his subsequent research, he classified a fourth approach (Scullion, 2006, pp. 18). The four approaches of staffing are :






The multinational companies have a general perception that the employees coming sharing their nationality are more competent in managing their organization overseas. They believe that non-native employees may not be able to effectively supervise the international operations of the company. In this approach, the policies and practices being followed by the Headquarter of the parent company ...
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