History Of Youth Work

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History of Youth Work

History of youth work


Due to industrialization and the associated relocation of many people in cities, were the social structures of the pre-industrial era (family, living in the country, friends) and destroyed the society began to change. Many people, the old reference points were missing in their lives, leading to an abundance of most varied movements, all of which had the objective to find a new point of reference for them and organize their own lives again. One of these movements was the youth movement (Roberts 2009, 6).


Youth work

Youth work in sports game, socializing comprises of sports clubs and associations offer attractive offers for children and adolescents and have by far the most organized members. Work-, school-and family-based youth work should not with measures of youth social work be confused, this is about the youth work projects in these areas. International youth work includes the development of European unity and the armed conflicts in the world make the meeting of young people from different cultures and nationalities to be necessary. Children and youth recreation is a contribution of youth work beyond the tourism offer for relaxation and recreation for young people, which can often make for lack of money not on vacation. Youth counseling involves general youth counseling, guidance, vocational and life coaching in special youth counseling and advice in order not explicit problems like drugs, pregnancy or in debt. It should be confidential files outside the leading youth services (Batsleer 2008, 49).

Wandervogel movement

This movement can be regarded as the first, which was dominated by young people for young people and supported. By the end of the 19th Century high school students of a boarding school in Berlin Stieglitz began with family outings. On the weekend, they grabbed backpack took the train into the country and walked in small groups through the countryside. Soon, they founded a directory one, gave themselves a name, and marked by a special group for this outfit. The name probably originated from a bird of a poem on a grave, the young people had discovered on their tours. The special feature of these groups was that young people organized themselves and formed their leisure itself. Beginning of the 20th Century ended the broad groups of more and more (Batsleer & Davies 2010, 33).

Not only young people began to organize themselves into groups of young people in the movement of migratory birds, there were also adults who give some thought to the young people and even in the 19th Century realized that the school and family education institutions may not be enough were to accompany the youth on the path to adulthood and support. One of these ideas unfolded in the working-class youth.

Young Workers

The risk from the perspective of adult youth workers took the 19th Century more and more emerging working class youth clubs were established to prevent the neglect of youth. In this movement, the Socialist Youth "The Falcons" took their ...
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