The way the youth is seen by the public is affected by numerous factors which also include the media. Spence (2005:46) explained that the term “youth” should not be taken neutrally, is has other dimensions which may cause negative perceptions regarding the youths attitude. At the stage of children, parents maintain a good control over them, resulting children exhibiting trustworthiness and good behaviour. In comparison “youths” have developed a bad reputation which makes people to be fearful of them. They wear ridiculous cloths and find it to be “cool” to be associated with a gang. They are nowadays more violent and have a tendency of indulging in crimes. As one my look at the past history, the “youth” were not like this. After the wars, the youth enjoyed freedom from poverty, were not fearful of uncertainties of war, were able to utilize the benefits of states welfare initiatives, had an urge of getting more education, and had ease of travel. Now a day the youth had become a social group who want to shape the world by their own developing culture and ideas (Spencer 2005: 49). We will be exploring the transition of youth and the effect of housing, education and benefits on them.
Main Body
Definitions of Transition
The adolescence period can be defined as transition. Spence (2005:48) advocated transition as voyage of childhood (one state) to adulthood (another state). Other scholars have explained this progressive stage in which a young works to acquired skills and knowledge which are required in the next phases of life (Miles et al, 2002: 1). The transition itself may not have problem, but it brings certain conflicts with itself and which stretches the time period of transition and make it complicated (Osgood et al, 2002:2). It is very critical that while attention is given to the growth from childhood to adulthood, it does not put pressure on the children to become adults as soon as possible but rather they should be allowed to enjoy their childhood.
Trends in Transition
The young people today remain dependent for a long period of time which has increased their time period of being a child and yet they are expected to behave like an adult as soon as possible. Commercialisation and a range of access to new media have started a downward trend in the adaptation of behaviour's of adult (Action for Children 2008:1), which is strengthened by pressure of peers to be more active sexually as early as possible. Economic changes and labour market is also affecting the trend in the employment of young people (Action for Children 2010:1). The young who are affluent enough, they stay in education as due the economic recessions, it has become very difficult to find jobs. As many of the growing number of adults tend to start family, it has been effecting on the prices of ...