Historic Management Theories

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Historic Management Theories

Historic Management Theories

1880 - Scientific Management

Frederick Taylor decides each employee at the Midvale Steel Company. His view of the future will be very accurate: "In the past, man was first. In the future, the system will be first."

In scientific management the managers are at high job roles were reversed. Taylor said: "Science, not rule of thumb" The decision of the head, based on experience and intuition, is no longer important. Employees are not allowed to have the idea of responsibility. Nevertheless, the question remains - are the leaders of the center stage of the promotion justified? 1929 - Taylorism

Taylor Society publishes a revised and updated management practices: Scientific management in American industry. 1932 - The Hawthorne Studies

Elton Mayo will be the first question on the behavioral assumptions of scientific management. These studies have concluded that human factors are often more important than physical conditions in motivating employees to improve productivity. 1946 - Organization Development

Social scientist Kurt Levin runs a research center of the group dynamics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His contribution to change theory, research and action learning to earn him the title "father of organization development." Lewin is best known for his work in the field of organization behavior and the study of group dynamics. His research found that learning is best facilitated when there is a conflict between immediate concrete experience and analysis within the individual. 1949 - Sociotechnical systems theory

A group of researchers from London Tavistok Institute of Human Relations, led by Eric Trist, he studied at the South Yorkshire coal mines in 1949. Their research leads to development in Sociotechnical systems theory, which considers both social and technical aspects of the design jobs. It marks the 180-degree departure from Frederick Taylor's scientific management. There are four main components of sociotechnical theory:

Subsystem Environment

social subsystem

technical subsystem

organizational structure.

1954 - Hierarchy of needs

Maslow hierarchy of needs theory has published in his book Motivation and Personality. This provides the basis for employees' commitment.


1954 - Leadership / Management

Drucker writes Practice Management, and provides 5 main functions of the head. He writes: "The first question in the discussion of organization structure should be: What is our business, and that it should be?”The organizational structure should be designed in such a way as to make possible the achievement of business goals in five, ten, fifteen years later”. ...
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