Green Technology

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Green Technology

Green Technology


Going green is the most up-to-date trend which has taken over the entire world. These days, people from every part of the world are influencing their lifestyles and opting for greener ways. Going green means to adopt ways of life which helps in preserving the environment and prevents environmental depletion. This is done by cutting on the usage of material which degrades the environment and opts for environmentally-friendly ways. Since there is growing awareness about green ways of life, people are looking for environmentally-friendly appliances, cars, and even buildings.

Green technology is the design of solutions and / or devices based on eco-efficiency, that is ensuring production reliability and performance while reducing their environmental impact. The key is to "produce more with less."

Thesis Statement

Building Environment pleasant home would not only be beneficial for the Environment, but it will also reduce construction cost and will bring other social benefits.


According to surveys conducted by different real estate enterprises, there is a growing demand among the masses to opt for green buildings. Speaking of a green home, the greatest thing, which can be thought of is the usage of eco-friendly material in the building of an edifice. Although, many people know of the existence of something called eco-friendly material, which is used in the construction of buildings, a vast majority of people are not sure as to what it implies.

People are witting about green homes and purchasing and merchandising homes with the label of green attached to it. Green buildings have become common in the market these days. Green edifices are built in a way that the materials used in construction of these buildings are not only sustainable materials, but they are energy-efficient too. This entails that the gadgets, devices and electrical appliances set up in homes help to save energy and reduces the use of any substance which degrades the environment or depletes natural resources. This, in return, helps to maximize the natural resources that are present in the environment. This study would be considering the question of motivating clients to commission REF buildings (Wara, 2006).

Saving on energy and profiting the environment not only gives homeowners an inner gratification of being responsible human beings, but also gives multiple benefits and savings when it comes to basic utilities. This is the reason why people want to invest in ecological properties. There are various ways of transforming a home into a green one. For instance, a house can be constructed in a way so as to conform to the standards of LEED (The Leadership on Energy and Environmental Design). These standards are speeding up the advancement of eco-friendly material to be introduced in the market.

Increased economic benefits are the prime driver of change for green buildings. In fact, relative economic advantage is the prime driver of almost all innovations. Economic benefits of green buildings vary considerably, depending on the nature of the building ownership, and their full consideration is vital for promoting any sustainable design. The initial costs for green buildings may ...
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