Global Warming Is Real

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Global Warming is real


Global warming that is the projected rise in the temperature of the atmosphere of the earth would increase the magnitude of the green house effect. The surface of the earth would become hotter than it is now in the coming decades. About the reality of global warming, there are many arguments. Global warming is considered to be the act of gradual increase the temperature of the earth by trapping the heat and radiations through the so called green house gasses and is increasing the probability of global warming and the destructions thought to be related to it. On the contrary the greenhouse effect is keeping earth at a temperature suitable for existence of life.

Scientists envisage that in some areas, by the year 2050, the heat related deaths in a typical summer could enhance by ninety percent of what it is now. There is a prediction of a more severe pressure on the world's forests, wetlands, and other natural habitation. Due to problems in the quantity and quality of crops yield in major farming areas, there will be a disruption of agriculture. Scientific research supports that most likely; there will be a large boost in the world's number of deserts.( M. McLaren, K. Yorks, D. Yukish, T. Ditty, P. Rubba, and R. Wiesenmayer, Pp. 88) " The further increase in temperature will cause an increase in the melting of polar ice caps, which will encourage the present rise in sea level. Most countries can expect to see an increase in the frequency and intensity of all kinds of storms, specifically thunderstorms in the summer months and tropical storms during the appropriate seasons. Global Warming, aside from pollution is one of scientists biggest concerns. The green house effect is one of the major reasons causing Global Warming. (Kerr, P. Pp. 283 284)

There are four steps in the Greenhouse effect, which are, Sunlight radiates from the sun, through space, to earth's atmosphere. The sunlight enters the atmosphere and hits Earth. Some of it turns into heat energy in the form of infrared light. The heat gets impregnated by enclosing air and land, which in turn makes it warm. Greenhouse gases capture infrared rays that are remitted into the atmosphere. The gas then absorbs the light and is remitted back to the Earth's surface and warms it even more.

Methane and carbon dioxide are some of the naturally occurring greenhouse gases. This is the manner in which the Earth keeps itself temperate enough for humans to live on it. The only concern with this is that humans are enhancing the process even further.

Over the past many years the emissions of greenhouse gases have been multiplying due to the growth in technology that humans have perfected like, factories which are emitting such human-induced gases which includes carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone depleting substances such as CFCs, also known as Chlorofluorocarbons, hydro fluorocarbons, and per fluorocarbons. So basically Global Warming is the ascent of the Earth's surface temperature due to ...
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