Global Warming

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Global Warming

Global Warming


There are two arguments on the issue of global warming. It is said that it may be easier, if anything, are financed by rising global temperatures and the United States, while another says that scientists do not recognize the importance and the dangers of global warming by the industry. This research examines these two arguments. First offered in the case of concerns about global warming. Secondly, the case against the possibility of excessive alarm occurs. (Bate 1994 78)

The global climate keeps the average time, usually over a 30-year period can be affected both by natural forces and human activities. "Climate change" refers to any change in climate over time whether due to natural variability or as a result of human activities. Natural climate variability in the results of the internal processes of the climate system, such as the complex transfer of heat, moisture and momentum between atmosphere and ocean. Natural changes may also external "drives" of the climate, such as changes occur in the production of energy from the sun or the amount of volcanic gases and particles emitted into the atmosphere. Climate change is historically as a result of these natural forces given, but is now occurring in part by human activities can enter the greenhouse effect, the incident solar radiation on the Earth's atmosphere, but prevent most of the outgoing infrared radiation is escaping into space a natural process.

Research Question

Is global warming a real problem?


Global warming is an increase in average temperature of the earth, that these changes in climate, the result can be caused by greenhouse gases. As a social problem of global warming, an issue that is big enough and wide. The greenhouse effect is an environmental condition caused by excessive amounts of carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane and nitrous oxide are caused in the atmosphere. These definitions are definitions only physical. As for the social, to influence an issue, global warming and the greenhouse affect apparent side effects in each community and society as a whole. This kind of social problem not vote, because his victims by race, gender, sexuality, social class, income, age or other category stereotype that a person can be placed on everyone is equally affected, but we are all vulnerable to tackle this problem . (Arnell 1996 59)

The greenhouse effect is a factor in causing global warming. Global warming is caused by many factors and different types of pollution. The most important type of pollution, that global warming is the impact of air pollution. Links air pollution is the same as air pollution, the greenhouse effect is defined. Air pollution can also be defined as the addition of harmful chemicals in the atmosphere. The most serious consequences of air pollution caused by burning fossil fuels, particularly in internal combustion engines. (Benarde 1992 112) Air pollution, that together with any other type of pollution is usually due to human action. The way of life today and how its resources on the results of the daily lives of everyday ...
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