Global Warming

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Global Warming

Global Warming


Scientists states that average temperature of Earth is getting higher and leads to climate changes. There are several natural and humans factors. Some of the scientists believe that human activity since factory age increases CO2 in the air and thus cause global warming. Also, deforestation contributes to Global warming since carbon dioxide is processed by plants and trees, and their absence causes its increase. These scientists affirm that GW can be stopped or slowed by reducing production of greenhouse gases.

On the other hand, lot of scientists named as “skeptics” believe that global warming is caused by natural reasons, and human activity gives just negligible part in climate change. They state that global warming is a real issue for people that cannot be stopped by reducing industrial greenhouse gases even to zero because main role in increasing Earth temperature plays cosmic rays and solar activity. Therefore, they suppose that the best way to response on global warming is to adapt to climate change. Essential to life on Earth, the greenhouse effect, is due to the natural presence of certain gases in Earth's atmosphere. Since the twentieth century, it emphasized by additional emissions linked to human activities such as agriculture or the use of fossil fuels. According to many scientists, this phenomenon contributes to global warming today. This increase terrestrial temperature exacerbated or mitigated by conditions and complex chemical interactions.

I gathered information mainly for causes and partially for sequences of global warming. My goal is to understand what evidences presented to blame human or nature for climate change and global warming and can the humans take action to stop the global warming. I am not interesting in political battles and populists slogans that take place around the named topic. I discuss helping my readers understand the complexity and severity of issue and help them to be bias free and independent in making appropriate decisions.

Global Warming due to Human Actions

In all the hype about global warming, many fanatics are quick to point an accusing finger at human beings for activities that they believe contribute an immense deal to the overall increase in the earth's temperature. Known as the greenhouse effect, this process by which the air molecules trap heat continuously blamed on people's increased usage of cars and other technological advancements that emit carbon dioxide or other carbon gases.

Just how much, though does science say that humans cause this greenhouse effect?

An interesting thing to note is that there is the factor of water vapor. Studies have estimated that human activity contributes about 5.5 % of the greenhouse effect, if water vapors not taken into account (McLaren, 2004). This is a surprisingly minimal number, especially considering all the hoopla about people causing the increased temperatures from their daily activities. What is even more shocking is that, when water vapor is part of the equation, the contribution of humans goes down to as low as 0.28 %.

Water vapor is considered the most significant greenhouse gas on the ...
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