Frozen Foods Wholesalers

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Frozen Foods Wholesalers

Frozen Foods Wholesalers

Mechanistic Organization

The mechanistic organizational structure is a top down, hierarchical structure in which people have clear roles and receive detailed instructions - formalization and centralization are both high. It is suited to stable conditions in which management understands the tasks and promotes task efficiency (Burns and Stalker, 1961). The organic structure is a network structure in which people use their initiative and define their roles through discussion with peers - formalization and centralization are both low. It is suited to unstable conditions that require problem solving and promotes higher rates of innovation (Brown and Eisenhardt, 1997). The theory helped develop the modern contingency theory (Donaldson, 2001).

United biscuits frozen foods

An United biscuits frozen foods is when the organization exist dependently, meaning that the organization takes into consideration the needs of their employees. Since in an United biscuits frozen foods the ideas and opinions of the employees are taken into consideration, this leads to group leadership and teamwork. In other words, the shared objective for all operations in the chain is to make sure that the end customer is well served and do so without wasting their own or their supply chain partner's resources. The implications of this are important. First, it implies that to manage supply chains well, operations upstream from the end customer still have to understand what the end customer actually needs. This will allow them to set their own objectives in the context of satisfying the objectives of the whole chain. Second, the ideal would seem to be to reduce costs throughout the supply chain rather than reduce the costs merely within one's operation. In fact both these implications require a very different way of operating on a 'supply chain-wide' basis than on an 'individual operation' basis.

One can also see how doing both these things is particularly difficult. Most operations managers have enough difficulty managing their own resources without having to assume some responsibility for helping operations managers in their customers' and their suppliers' operations. There is also a more serious long-term issue to do with the nature of partnerships and the willingness of operations to sacrifice short-term gains for the long-term benefits to all the operations within the supply chain.

Comparison of Organizational Structure at UNITED BISCUITS FROZEN FOODS

Implementing a new sales process will take time and dedication. With our company utilizing the same processes for so long we are bound to see some types of resistance when change is implemented. Organizational structures can be sorted between organic and mechanistic. Organizational cultural also plays a big role when implementing change. Some resistance forces we are likely to encounter are within our organization. Once the organizational structure and cultural attribute is determined then the designing process can begin.

Economic Crisis

United biscuits frozen foods represented a logical business strategy to an economy in which real hourly wages have been stagnant for more than three decades. United biscuits frozen foods presented the face of low prices (which were not in reality always lower than ...
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