Frozen Food Manufacturer

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Frozen Food Manufacturer

Strategic Marketing - Frozen Food Manufacturer

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Table of Contents




Situation Analysis: Country Profile & Environmental Analysis4

Target market4

General Demographics5

Market Profile5

Justification for the selection of the target market7


Marketing Mix Strategy8

Product Planning8

Plant Selection8

Channel Length and Alignment8

Distribution Logistics9

Channel Members9




Display and services10

Part 3:11

Foreign Market Entry Strategy11

Strategies to Overcome Competitors11

Distribution support11

Promotion/selling support12

Special considerations12



Strategic Marketing - Frozen Food Manufacturer


In today's fast moving world, people are immensely considering the importance of using frozen food items for their daily consumption patterns. The significance is observed because people contain busy schedules in their daily life. It has been observed there has been rapid development in the preserved and frozen food market, as many existing and new businesses have diverted themselves in this growing domain of frozen food market. The industry growth is to capitalize the need and demand of such market and for such purpose; businesses are motivated to grow themselves through means of expansions in various locations in the world.

The process of Quick-freezing prohibits the unpreserved food to decay providing sustainability and increasing the life span of the food product through freezing process. Such developed characteristics help the consumers for better storage level. The new concept of Quick-freezing is accommodating locations where distribution of food products is difficult due to many environmental conditions (Boyle, 1995, Pp. 29).

In the UK frozen market, Tasty Bake is one of the leading manufacturers and distributors of frozen food. The company was established in 1981 and since then the company deals with providing high quality frozen food products to its consumers in UK. Moreover, the company has earned valuable reputation in supplying its frozen products to the European market. The company has a viable product line, which attracts consumers for their usage in daily life.

The product line mainly includes manufacturing and distribution of sausages. The Birmingham based company carries 30 years of experience in providing quality food through utilizing its experiential human resource in production and distribution of the goods all over UK and Europe (National Frozen Food Association, 2008, pp. 21). Nevertheless, the company is now motivated to grow its business through expansion plans in a new region enabling the business to provide growth opportunities.


Tasty Bake underlines a wide range of IQF sausages, pita bread and saveloys. The variety that Tasty Bake manufactures is famous among wholesalers and shops, which offer fish and chips. In addition to the product line of the company, Tasty Bake further categorizes its product line with KEO fruit juices, chicken nuggets etc.

Tasty Blake supports its production and distribution activities with the use of involving latest technology into the business system and further using finest methods of production and preservation to prolong the length of the product in terms of life and quality of the product, which ensures the relationship between the brand and the clients. With such influence and involvement of quality in the brands portfolio, the UK based company now aims to expand its business in a new region, which is untapped. The UK based brand ensures concerns ...
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