Marketing Mix Of Banner Frozen Food

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Marketing Mix of Banner Frozen Food

Marketing Mix of Banner Frozen Food

Marketing mix includes everything that the company can undertake to influence the demand for their products. Marketing mix is a set of uncontrollable variables of marketing, the totality of which the firm uses in an effort to cause the desired response from the target market." The four components of the marketing mix: Product - a set of products and services that the organization offers the target market; Price - this is money that consumers pay for the purchase of a product (the wholesale price can be called retail, include discounts or sales on credit). If the set price does not match the value of the product in the eyes of consumers, they will switch to competitors' products; Distribution (sales organization) - is the activity of various kinds, "aimed at ensuring the accessibility of the target consumers of the goods; Stimulation of (communication) - is all the activities of the enterprise to disseminate information about their products and to persuade them to buy it.

Marketing mix of frozen foods in Poland

Polish consumers are increasingly looking for highly processed products and they are the most forward-looking group of frozen food. The driving force behind its development is to change the lifestyle of Poles. They spend less time at home, so more and more often reach for quick and easy meals to prepare, but also interesting in flavour.

Competition in the frozen food industry is growing. Almost every month there is a new brand on the market. But these are mainly manufacturers of private brands or other products of lesser-known sources. Those who find place in the market, try to stand out above all at a low price, which rarely translates into quality. Frozen food market, on the one hand is characterized by a high potential, and has a number of barriers to entry:

The seasonality of sales,

Limited capacity of the freezers in the shops

Difficulties in maintaining the cold chain

Unawareness of consumers about frozen products, they do not lose any of their nutritional value. An important distribution channel is supermarkets. They have more space than freezing and exhibition of traditional shopping channel, and thus offered there range is much wider than in retail stores. In addition, some super and hypermarkets do not feel the seasonality of sales, which is closely linked with replacement during the summer space for frozen foods to ice cream.

From past years, there is a steadily growing importance for the sale of frozen food in the modern channel. Retail chains have become not only important but even indispensable partners for companies in the FMCG sector. Currently, there are frozen foods such as Felco, Real in hypermarkets, Auchan, Carrefour and Kaufland, as well as Alma, and delicatessens. The sale of frozen food is done in two ways, through the traditional channel, based on cooperation with local distribution companies, which are scattered throughout the country, and the modern channel. The latter now accounts for ten percent of ...
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