Flexible Leadership

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Flexible Leadership

Flexible Leadership

1 Describe the situation or incident which demonstrates flexibility, or lack of flexibility, in leadership style.

In the modern sense, the fire departments advanced trucks, equipment and tactics are a comparatively recent development. Their staff are either volunteer (non-salaried) or vocation (salaried). Typically, career fire fighters are in larger cities, and volunteer fire fighters are found when firefighters are training to become a ful time employee, and in smaller communities. During the past few months, I have learned a vast amount of information which has clarified what it is exactly that firefighters do on a daily basis and has helped influence my decision to work my hardest to gain the title of a firefighter. I have learned about the fire departments interview process, fire tactics, emergency calls, and about the equipment used on the job.

There are many reasons which influenced my decision to try the career path of a firefighter. First of all, like most people, I am looking for a career that I will enjoy and actually want to go to work. In my eyes, I think that firefighting would be one of my passions because I know I would get a thrill out of both helping people and the excitement that comes with the job. I am aware of some of the risks that firefighters have in the day-to-day field, and I am willing to put myself in danger to preform the job. For some reason, as far as my career opportunities are concerned, I seem to be focused on a career in the Medical, Fire, or Rescue fields. This is partly the reason why I decided to pursue the firefighting career, simply because it uses all three of these fields in one. I like the idea of going to work and not knowing what is going to happen or how your day will turn out. I also think I would like the excitement that comes with the career of a firefighter. I know I have the right attitude and physical ability to preform the duties of a firefighter, and I am willing to do what it takes to become one.

2. How did the person's leadership style change as the situation progressed? What adaptations to the situation or incident did the leader make or not make?

The interview process for the Fire Department is an important way to find if the individual has the right personality, and to see if they are mentally fit for the job. Many questions are asked to determine the individuals outcome in the fire service. I have learned that culture, race, and gender also play a big part in this because they make up our community, which is who firefighters serve. If an individual is racist in any way, obviously they would not make a good candidate for the fire service because firefighters help all individuals no matter what race. Questions about culture may tie into the interview process because in our community, there are many different cultures that firefighters may have to ...
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