The article deals with the research conducted on teen age pregnancy, and its escalation in the state of Texas. The Article deals with the target audience between age brackets if 15-19 years and therefore, assessing the past rates as, as well as, establishes the future rates. It attributes the changing population characteristics of Texas, to the significant increase in sexual activity. The article uses multiple methodical analysis and statistical data, to predict the future population and demographics of the state of Texas. Overall, the article is a detailed and well structured study of teenage pregnancy and it's after effects on the state demographics (Litman, 2012).
How is the literature review used in this research?
The literature review used in this research is very extensive and prompt, regarding the particular area. The literature review comprises of statistical reports, journal article publications and changing demographic trends. It also encompasses the causes of excessive teenage pregnancy cases reported after 2005. The research literature review also contains different models projecting pregnancy rates in states, preferably Texas. The literature review also includes the prevention measures being taken on State level as well as statistical analysis conducted by the state. Overall, the article covers all dimensions regarding the growth in pregnancy rates, in teenagers who are residents of Texas (UM, 2003). What are the ethical considerations for data collection?
The ethical considerations are given high regard, pertaining to data collection for the particular research. The data is solely based on statistics, as well as, researches which are already presented, and therefore, no primary data has been conducted. The use of secondary data is due to sensitivity of the issue and misleading answers, as well as, biased responses from the target audience. The research entirely complies with the ethics of human subjects, which imply, that no such questions should be raised in public researches that hurt the esteem of an individual. To comply with authorship standards, the article encompasses all research dimensions, and comprises of extensive literature on the pertaining subject. The research is very useful for state of Texas, as they are, already considering initiatives to prohibit extensive pregnancy rates and growing population.
What the data telling us in terms of statistical analysis?
The research has very well-grounded methodology, since it uses more than one approach (Litman, 2012). The methods encompass of Monte Carlo stimulation which is based on historical pregnancy rates and their increase, contraceptive failure, as well as, sexual experience among different ethnic groups of teenage women. The research plots increasing rates of pregnancy against raising rates of sexual intercourse, as well as, contraceptive failure. It also assesses the afore mentioned factors for different ethnic groups, for example, the increase in Hispanic Americans, against the increase in teenage pregnancy in Texas. It outlines how greater numbers of students are engaged in sexual activity. It also explains how individuals are having more than one sexual partner at one time, particularly, people at their adolescence ...