Significance of Environmental Impacts on External Stakeholders:15
Policies For Environmental Management, Analyzing The Case Of Bolton Thermal Recovery Facility
This report aims to shed light on the performance of the Bolton Thermal Recovery Facility in light of the core Environmental Policies governing this project. The information presented is taken from a host of public and government sources. Owing to a cumbersomely humungous amount of data available on the subject, the report has primarily focused on the environmental and legal implications pertaining to the project operations and the environmental standards and the breach of the same concerning the project. Critical analysis of the effects of the plant's operations on pollutant discharges is also presented. The report also aims to highlight the guiding principles of the environmental policies of UK Government and gives key recommendations related to environmental management.
The Bolton Thermal Recovery Facility is being operated by Viridor (Great Manchester) Ltd. as a part of a Waste Disposal Authority PFI Contract. The plant operations cater to the combustion of municipal waste from Bolton, Bury and Salford. The quantities of the waste procured vary from one region to the other. The plant also incinerates waste pertaining to commercial, trade and confiscated items in collaboration with the police and the customs departments of the region.
Purpose of the Study:
The term Incineration relates to a widely used process of converting waste matter into another form which may vary from gases to dust and ash. The wide acceptance of the process in large scale project is owed to the high convenience it offers. However, environmental agencies and experts harbor deep concerns regarding the polluting characteristics of this process which results in high emissions. There are also concerns regarding the practical and technological limitations regarding the standardized removal of these pollutants.
Residual ash and other filtered elements are generally removed by releasing into the land in licensed landfill sites or are used in road and building construction blocks. Gaseous end products along with the hazardous dust particles are removed via air channels. Wastewater discharges are often introduced into the sewage system, either after treatment or untreated. To cater to the environmental impacts related to this process, the gases released from the combustion process are filtered through either one or more air pollution control systems. The combustion temperatures are also adjusted so as to minimize the pollutant quantities that are formed as a result of the numerous chemical reactions. However, critical insight must be paid to the nature of end product formed and the hazards associated ...