Empress Luxury Lines

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Empress Luxury Lines

Empress Luxury Lines


Ethics and values ??in the world of business have in recent years become increasingly important, especially because of the known cases of companies whose practices are away from social and legal standards acceptable. For this reason, many organizations have been given the task of defining their core values ??and establishing codes of ethics or conduct that must be met by all employees. In this assignment, we will look at answer questions pertaining to Empress Luxury Lines and issues related to the ethical dilemma.


Ethical Dilemma

An organization involves people; therefore, it cannot be free from an ethical view. Every decision made in the company and how they are implemented, have an impact on people and, therefore, in other organizations and / or companies. Ethics is a set of standards, as usually seen, but rather a way of acting that leads to personal and social fulfillment (Jones, 2005). In this context, we can only refer to codes, to speak of values ??that serve as criteria for managing the business and thus build business ethics in the DNA of people and organizations. Business is efficient if they are ethical. An organization that lives by the values ??will be better prepared for the future. We face an ethical dilemma when we are not sure to do the right thing or choose the wrong path. Questions like, can you do something that could mean a big fine, but that involves twisting a few rules? Should we promote a subordinate who has shown great dedication, but perform less than good? Is to share sensitive information? Should you announce to a friend who will be fired when it has accessed a data subject? All questions have an ethical background recorded (Garsten, 2008). According to the ethical dilemma which Antonio has been facing, he is not sure if he should become a whistle blower and inform the upper management about the fraud. Furthermore, he is not sure if he should let Kevin report Empress to the insurance company or take the matter in his hands. There are several implications to this ethical dilemma which Antonio might face. As a result, Antonio has been feeling perplexity in this situation.


There are two strategies, which Antonio can use in order to deal with the situation. These strategies are given below:

Take the matter in his hands and report to the upper management.

Sweep the problem under ...
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