Empress Luxury Lines

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Empress Luxury Lines

Empress Luxury Lines


This assignment deals with the critical situation faced by Antonio (one of the top management employee of empress luxury lines cruise ship). The situation describes and focuses an ethical issue noticed by their employees. In this case, Kevin who is an employee of this company after their joining before 2 years demanded the improvement in computer system but company cannot invest money in that due to bad market conditions. Kevin, Antonio and other employees also noticed cheating did by this company with insurance companies. The critical situation starts when an electrical surge hits ship then some of the wires and computer circuits are destroyed that cost $ 15000 mentioned by a computer technician, but Kevin know that company demands more than this from insurance company which is cheating. In this situation, Kevin wants to take step ahead and wants to inform insurance companies about the cheating of luxury liner Company but he first contact Antonio (Lewis, 2005). In this assignment our major focus is on the strategy selected by Antonio at this time.


Analysis of ethical dilemma faced by Antonio

Ethical issue is an issue that has faced by many management staff in their practical work. The ethical rules that should be followed by every employ suggest that if the organization in which he is working is involved in illegal activity then he should take action against them by informing authority instead of considering their own benefit of job (Blanchard, 1990; Institute for Local Government, 2005). The situation faced by the Antonio is very critical. Antonio as an employee of Cruise ship Company cannot cheat their higher authorities or with the company that actually pays him for his job. On the other hand, Antonio should inform insurance agencies about the past and current cheating of this company as ...
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