Empress Luxury Lines

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Empress Luxury Lines

Empress Luxury Lines

Analyze the Ethical Dilemma Faced By Antonio

Antonio is facing an ethical dilemma that involves reimbursement ostensible expenses through insurance. He is in a situation where he has to decide either to keep the information concealed or to take serious action for that reason he will have to follow these instructions:

When a person is dealing with fraud cases, he should identify and separate his own personal feelings from it as stealing is an ethical dilemma. He should focus of standards that are morally and socially acceptable.

Antonia should evaluate the consequence as to what will be the advantages and disadvantages that will occur. He should focus of the long and short term consequence and search for evidence if the issue has been prevailing for long.

The possible actions should be analyzed and identify what are the action that can have a positive result and retaliate with honesty, fairness, privacy, respect and exposure of the people that are involved in this action.

Decision should be made according to the evaluation. He should reconcile and compare the actions and consequences that are identified (Erick O. B., 2010).

Create And Describe Two Strategies For Addressing The Situation At Hand.

As an employee and a law bidding Citizen Antonio has a dual responsibility. In order to promptly address the issues related to the activities of a company that is not connected to the legal framework, initially Antonia will have to search for a solution inside the company.

Normally the issues should be discussed with the immediate supervisor, in case the direct reporting authority is the black sheep as in the case of Antonio, he should seek assistance from second in line. He can also see response from the following departments:

Corporate Ethics and legal compliance

Internal Audit

Human Resource

Corporate Environment

Corporate Security and investigation

Director of Finance (GSK, 2011)

The issues should be ...
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