Employee Motivation

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Employee Motivation

Employee Motivation


For decades psychologists have been conducting experiments with animals and humans with an effort to understand their behavior. Similarly, in clinics and other therapeutic scenarios, there have been attempts to identify the root causes of the behaviors that cause concern for an individual, their friends, parents, supervisors, coworkers or the society (Whiteley, 2002) (Whiteley, 2002). The motivational process knowledge provides the basis for understanding why people do what they do. It involves trying to find answers to questions like “Why does one person works harder than another? And why some individuals seek higher levels of responsibility?”. These questions are continually responsible for the administration and management of human resources.


The word motivation is derived from the Latin word movere, which means moving. Some see this as a reflection of “the desire to meet certain needs.” Others argue that “has something to do with the forces that maintain and alter the direction, quality and intensity of behavior.” On the other hand, is defined as something related to “how the behavior started, is energized, it is argued, goes, stops and with the kind of subjective reaction is present in the organization while developing this” (Kanungo, 2002).

Motivation can be defined as the state or condition that is induced to do something. It basically means that there are needs in the individual and incentives or targets that are out of it. Berelson and Steiner defined a motive as an inner state that energizes, activates or moves (and hence “motivation”), which directs or channels behavior toward goals. In other words, “motivation” is a general term that applies to an entire class of drives, desires, needs, and similar forces. In the same way that administrators encourage their subordinates that is, using the things they hope satisfy those urges and desires and induce subordinates to act in the desired manner (Nohria, Groysberg & Lee, 2008).

Thus, one can consider that motivation involves a chain reaction that begins with the sense of the needs, desires or goals which produces sought, which, in turn, give rise to tension

Motivation at work

Today, companies consider extremely important the motivation of workers when production is organized. We have seen that there is a relationship between productivity or performance of the worker and the work environment. Motivating employees is difficult, since each individual has their reasons for working and what motivates one person may not be important to others (Lawler & Hall, 2007).

What seems clear is that the specific reasons the person has an inner disposition to “want or desire to” do something. Companies should look for how they can make their employees want to do something, work harder and better. Experts in this field say that motivation depends largely on how people live, situations they face, and some people say that managers can significantly influence the behavior of employees, although the motivation is something that lies in inside the employees (Hancock, 2004).

Different studies on motivation at work are aimed at determining the elements and processes that drive, run and maintain the behavior of ...
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