Employee Motivation and Recession while considering Brent cross store
I would take this opportunity to thank my research supervisor, family and friends for their support and guidance without which this research would not have been possible.
In this study we try to explore the concept of “Employee Motivation in Recession period” in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on “Employee Motivation” and its relation with “Recession period”. The research also analyzes many aspects of “Employee Motivation” and tries to gauge its effect on “Recession period” for this we consider the Brent cross store case.
Table of Content
Chapter I: Introduction5
Research aims and objectives7
Chapter II: Literature Review9
Employee Expectations11
Worthwhile work13
Connectedness with colleagues16
Connectedness with leadership17
Employee Motivation Strategy in Recession period21
M & S case study24
2002: Sustaining the Recovery, The Change, and The People26
Chapter III: Methodology28
Chapter 4: Result and Discussion30
Assessment of the Employee Motivation System within Brent cross store: the Aspect of Economic Motivation Measures30
Assessment of the Employee Motivation System within Brent cross store: the Aspect of Juridical Motivation Measures33
Assessment of the Employee Motivation System within Brent cross store: the Aspect of Psychological Motivation Measures in recession period37
Assessment of the Employee Motivation System within a Brent cross store: the Aspect of Philosophical Motivation Measures42
Chapter 5: Conclusion52
Chapter I: Introduction
The last few years have seen a shift in the balance of power from the sellers to the consumers. Consumer behavior is now influenced to a greater extent by the tangible offerings associated with a product. This return centric attitude of the consumer makes selling a difficult task for the companies. The consumers evaluate the benefits and limitations of each and every aspect of the product before making the final purchase decision.
The task has become even more difficult for retailers who act as intermediaries between manufacturers and consumers. A retailer selling general consumer goods has to work on maximizing business volumes as the margins in the retailing business are pretty low. Aside from the low margins, retailers have to face the problems of business competition which leads to loss of revenues as well as pressure on margins due to the price based strategy followed by most of the retailers.
Another problem faced by the retailers is the pressure on margins that they have to face because of the bargaining power of the manufacturers. The manufacturers are keen on maximizing volumes themselves and hence keep the margins low at their end which in turn minimizes the margins for the retailers.
These problems have been compounded in the wake of recent economic recession that has engulfed most of the developed economies. The recessionary pressures have led to large scale unemployment and reduction in the disposable income of the people. This has led to a sharp fall in revenues of most of the organized retailers over the world. Tesco has been also hit by the recession. We will try and look at the different strategies that it used during the peak of recession in London to minimize the damage from ...