The study is related to emergency and disaster management, in relation to this, as disaster events evolve, various actors address a wide variety of tasks. Most of the time, these tasks have been anticipated and well documented in schedules, planning guidelines, and standard operating procedures, and they have been rehearsed during emergency and disaster simulation events. Conversely, when unexpected events arise during a disaster event, there is a great deal of uncertainty regarding how to approach the tasks at hand because these tasks present themselves as dynamic and novel undertakings.
Research Question
What is the direct effect of unsure dynamic emergency and disaster management task on task performance?
Ho1. Unsure dynamic emergency and disaster management task newness is negatively related with the task effectiveness.
Ho2. Unsure dynamic emergency and disaster management task difficulty is negatively related with task effectiveness.
Ho3. Unsure dynamic emergency and disaster management task urgency is positively related with the task effectiveness.
Literature Review
Management in emergency situations is a relatively new area of efforts to overcome the consequences of disasters. Many areas which account for almost 90% of disasters, requires a program that offers activities for emergency and disaster preparedness, mitigation and response (Karimi and Yash, 2004). Program management in emergency and disaster management situations has helped people in to form, train, and provide technical means, which became effective rescue units in the state civil defense system (Jaccard & Turrisi, 2003).
Organizations should lead the initiative to implement the coordination of disaster response. The purpose of the project to join forces in emergency and disaster management through effective coordination and communication among all involved in the process of services and by strengthening the leadership emergency and disaster situations (Iacobucci, 2008). Program management in emergency and disaster situations will be to expand the geography of their actions. The plans provided for the immediate future:
Introduce the latest methods of preparation of employees;
Publishing easy to understand the materials in order to familiarize the local population in the management of emergency and disasters;
Check the possibility of a large-scale maps using satellite imagery and geographic information systems;
Implement biotechnical methods in projects related to the prevention and mitigation of emergency and disasters;
Seek legalization of rescue teams to include a list of persons receiving social benefits, certification programs and the inclusion of rescue teams in the state system of civil defense;
Efforts to reduce the risk of local disasters to make permanent and include work in this direction in all development programs for emergency and disaster management, and
Develop and implement coordination mechanisms at all levels to respond to emergency and disasters (Jenkins, William, 2006).
The methodology part of the study comprises of unsure and dynamic characteristics of emergency and disaster management tasks that people may encounter during a disaster event.
The survey provides a sample characteristics and brief descriptions of typical tasks that can be classified according to their unsure and dynamic characteristics. The list intends to cover tasks with different degrees of change and uncertainty in terms of novelty that ...