Incident Command System (ICS) is an organizational formation that is employed and engaged by many government agencies and companies in Canada, United States and United Kingdom, in order to supervise major accidents and emergencies, such as highway accidents, oil spill and railway accidents. The ICS needs to focus on four major ideas:
Focusing on risk management rather than taking it as an emergency management.
Embrace the latest technologies in order to deal with the risk and to manage the up hazards.
Recreating the emergency management with new entities and try to adapt the sociological perspective, demographic structure and solve the problems effectively (Haddow,, 2010).
The incident Command System is the beginning stem from the California “Wildfires” in 1970. This incident was a found to be one of the major disaster in the history, it burned about half a million hectares, destroyed over 750 buildings, took life of over 16 people and it cost over $ 230 million. After this incident, ICS has been adopted widely by government and different industries worldwide. Incident Command System (ICS) can tackle with many threats such as dam failures, spills, floods, accidents and various incidents occurring form (large to small) sizes. It is generally known as “All Risk System”.
For the major environmental emergencies, such as flood and accidents, for these emergencies responsibility is the major elements that need to be performed in a proper manner; this needs complete focus on the situation and getting prepared to respond on a immediate basis to the emergency. Involvement of government is usually required for observing and monitoring the situation i.e. (supervising it with the level of emergency), or government needs to support spiller's response in order to reduce the risk and increase the level of safety. If the government is interested in taking ...