Benefits of implementing drug rehabilitation programs4
Leads to safer community4
Benefits both the prison and the prisoner5
Can coincide with other mandatory prison programs5
Program should be aggressive and extensive5
Importance and relevance5
Description of trends and practices6
Application and corrections7
Analysis of issue7
Evaluation of trends and practices8
Drug rehabilitation is a sign of the times10
Drug rehabilitation should be mandatory for all drug crimes10
All prisons should participate in such programs10
Drug rehabilitation in the prison system
Drug rehabilitation refers to the medical processes or psychotherapeutic treatment, which is being done on those individuals who are reliant on various psychoactive substances. These substances include alcohol, prescribed drugs as well as the street drugs such as “cocaine” and “heroin”. The reason why drug rehabilitation is conducted especially in the prison system is to help the patient quit substance abuse so that he does not fall prey to any kinds of psychological, legal, financial, social, and physical problems.
Effective drug rehabilitation
Prison systems should find effective drug rehabilitation programs so that the prison population is kept low. Moreover, inmates should be treated for addiction upon arrival to the institution and throughout their sentence.
Attacking drug rehabilitation
For this purpose, it is essential for the prison systems to attack drug rehabilitation while a prisoner is imprisoned, and for this, effective drug rehabilitation needs to be implemented. As soon as a prisoner is bought in for imprisonment, he should be treated for addiction, and this should last till the entire sentence.
Drug crimes
There are also many prisoners who are incarcerated for drug crimes and have no addiction to drugs. These prisoners should also be given rehabilitation in order to know the way in which their behavior is impacting the others.
Limitation of drug rehabilitation programs
However, the prison systems have limited amount of drug rehabilitation programs, and there are many prison systems that do not offer any drug rehabilitation programs. Like the prisoners should counsel the prisoners, they should also provide with drug rehabilitation programs especially because the war against drugs is an ongoing process.
Signs of success
Few programs have been reported to be successful, and these are residential but in most cases offenders are sentenced to the program (Ferranti & Ferranti, 2007).
Description of issue
In the ongoing war on drugs, those incarcerated have been lost in the cause. I believe this to be a significant problem; due to the economy we have seen a big hike in the problem with drug addiction and those who sell drugs. I work in a prison, and there are many instances where we find drugs, whether on the inmate or in their cells. This is the first point that needs to be tackled, and we need to find these security breaches in the prison. Since the beginning of my career, I have never been searched at work, I can only remember one occasion where my bag was looked over, nothing was ever removed, not once did I receive a body ...