Different Management Styles

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Management Styles

Management Styles


Different styles of management styles

Strategies and strategic decisions are normally concerned with the long term direction of an organisation. They at least affect the direction. They are often based upon trying to achieve some advantage or some benefit for the organisation in relation to their competition for example.

Furthermore, strategic decisions are likely to be concerned with the scope of an organisation's activities such as what it does or should be doing in a given area of activity. This is fundamental because the scope of the activity will determine the way in which those responsible for managing the organisation conceive the organisations boundaries.

Strategy itself is sometimes the matching of the activities of the organisation with the environment in which it operates (i.e., strategic fit). Such an approach enables the organisation to identify the opportunities that exist in the said environmnet and thereafter tailoring the future strategy to capitalise on them. Strategy can also be seen to 'stretch' and not only 'fit'. This is where the organisations resources and competences are built upon or stretched to both create and capitalise on opportunities.

Organisations should not stick to just stretch or fit strategies, but utilise a combination of both.

As strategies often require major resource changes they also must affect the operational decisions of an organisation. If operational aspects of the organisation are not in line with the strategy then the strategy will not succeed. Besides it is actually at the frontline, the operational level, wherein true and real strategic advantage is gained.

Impact of management styles

Management styles are wide and varied across the entire world of work. The specific type of management that works for one particular set of workers does not always work for another group of employees. Almost everyone has come into direct contact with a manager at some point in their careers. It is the relationship between the employee and the manager that must be keenly developed; in order for an office, factory, restaurant, or similar organization to run smoothly and effectively. When an organization is being managed efficiently, workers are much more upbeat, production levels are optimal, and the overall working environment has a fragrance of positivity. In sharp contrast, when an organization is ineffectively managed, more times than not, worker productivity are well below standard levels, workers are more prone to use sick days, and the working environment has an extremely dismal feel. Understanding these two sides of effective and ineffective management will help us to further grasp the grave importance of various types of management style. The thing that makes management such a hotly discussed issue is the fact that truly effective management is the lifeblood and livelihood of any successful organization.

As the UK and world economy continues to change around us, so does management style. As the market pool of heavily tech-savvy, college educated workers prepare to enter into the shaky job market, management styles will also continue adapt to fit the ever changing employee ...
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