The Employee Relations Management Style Adopted By Acme Engineering Guidance

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The Employee Relations Management Style adopted by ACME Engineering Guidance

The Employee Relations Management Style adopted by ACME Engineering Guidance


This paper will critically analyse the employee relations management (ERM) style that ACME practices. The paper will further discuss the idea behind the adoption of the employee relations management style that is in practice. The paper will also discuss the reason of the selected approach. Apart from that, the link between the British employe relations 1980s and 1990s and the selected employee relations management style of ACME. The paper will evaluate the part played by the British employee relations 1990s and 1990s in moulding of the employee relations management style of ACME.


Style of management is a complex concept to be detected in an organizational performance method. This is because although there are some predefined styles of management, yet it is very rare that an organization follows a style completely. Every organization has a well formulated strategic planning a\which it follows strictly. The basis of “style of management” cannot be clearly stated in this case as different organizations have different managerial concepts.

Characteristics of the different Management Styles

The main characteristics of management styles include decision-making, communicating decisions to employees, recruiting and dismissing employees, using incentives and motivating employees, monitoring employees and the ensuring the use of a refined and clear communication. All these characteristics are discussed with respect to the three management styles authoritarian management style, democratic management style and delegating management style (Blyton, & Turnbull, 1998, pp. 20).


Authoritarian management style is characterized by the sole decision making, democratic management style-a collective decision when delegating management style decision instructed to the team.

Communicate decisions to employees

In the authoritarian style, management decisions are communicated to staff using the orders and commands. The democratic style is characterized by joint determination of the perpetrators for self-determination of the performers.

Recruitment and dismissal of employees

An authoritarian style is characterized by the adoption of individual decisions in a democratic - and collegial.

The use of incentives and motivation

An authoritarian management style is characterized by fear of punishment and the use of material incentives for supporting and rewarding. Delegating management style is characterized by self-determination of employees forms of promotion.


The authoritarian style is characterized by tight control of the head. The democratic style of control functions are distributed together. Delegating leadership style control function is performed directly by the team.

The manner of communication

An authoritarian management style is characterized by a formal way of communication for a democratic and friendly management style observing the relationship of complete trust.

Employee Relations Management Styles

There are 3 main employee relation management styles that an organization can adopt for the purpose of managing its workforce. They are explained as under (Lucas, 1995, pp. 89-92).

Authoritarian style of management

A complex of different management practices in the use of which, the head of the organization based on its own knowledge, experience, interests and goals. The authoritarian leader is not inclined to ask advice from their staff or colleagues, uses administrative methods of pressure on employees, imposing their views through coercion ...
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