Development Of A Real-World Marketing Strategy

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Development of a real-world marketing strategy

The Febreze Plug-Ins consist of a small, plastic tray that holds a gel-like mixture of fragrance. This tray is inserted in a plastic unit equipped with electrical prongs that plug into a standard outlet. The electric current causes a heating element to warm up, vaporizing the volatile fragrance components. The fragrance in the tray lasts several weeks, at which time the consumer simply inserts a fresh tray.

The product is designed with a variety of fragrance types to appeal to children, including mango strawberry, cotton candy.

The lid stock of the fragrance tray is specially designed to both hold in the scent and let it out at a controlled rate. Utilizing patented technology, the proprietary laminated film is made with a multilayer barrier and a permeable membrane.

The lid material, combined with the proper heat-sealing temperature, pressure, dwell time, and seal design, is designed for easy use by the consumer. The lid globe also has picture of cartoon characters to make the product more attractive for children.

Product Operation

Compatibility between the fragrance formulation and the lid material is key to product performance. The film structure is applied in a one step process during a form-fill-seal operation. An angled piece of the film allows the consumer to easily peel off the outer film/foil barrier layer. The inside membrane, however, remains securely sealed to the tiny tray. As the fragrance is warmed, the membrane allows a continuous and regulated fragrance release. As fragrance is released, the concentrate cracks and dries out, visually signaling the consumer to replace the refill tray. The tray also features a patented ridge down its middle, which is used as a guide for inserting the tray into the warmer unit.

Even the carton that contains the product is unique. This innovative one-piece package went through more than 25 design modifications before fulfilling all marketing and manufacturing requirements. Specifically, it contains a special fifth panel, which secures the warmer unit and fragrance pack during packaging and point of purchase display. The carton features a polyester window that wraps around the side of the folding carton, so the consumer can see the electrical blades of the warmer unit. The carton is designed to show off the warmer unit and its blades, to display the fragrance pack, to easily fit on store shelves, to run on high-volume machinery, and to be reasonably priced.

Product Detail


Select your fragrance and, after removing the foil freshness tab, place it in the plug in device. The fregerence last for around 3 to 4 days. The Plug in freshners comes with easy-to-follow instructions in English and Spanish, and also has a list of trouble-shooting tips.

Marketing Requirements

Consumers are more aware of the importance of keeping surroundings clean and fresh. Not only businesses are putting up automatic timed fragrance sprayer in their offices or shops, but also common households. People are keeping their living rooms or bedrooms fragrant and fresh. Mindsets and the purchasing power of consumers have changed. There is a big ...
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