Is Strategy Development

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IS Strategy Development


Information systems deal with the development, use and management of the infrastructure of information technology in an organization. Use of the Internet for commerce or E-business is a popular topic of research efforts and mass-media press reports. Just as, the Internet has changed the way people communicate and share information, shopping activities have also been dramatically affected. In this paper, we have selected information system that is E-commerce strategies; the two major aspects that have been taken in this paper are implementation and design of the strategies. The main purpose of selecting e-commerce is developing the Information system. The paper will focus on the E-commerce strategies. In deciding how to use IS effectively, these organizations need to cope both with major changes in information technology and with the rapid changes in the wider social and economic environment that are endemic to contemporary society. In consequence, Information System strategy and its linking to business goals are crucial and continuous aspects of the business strategy for many organizations (Blau, 1976, 20).

Information System Strategy


Since the beginning of trade in the world until the present time, forms of marketing and interaction between the parties have changed over time. From the time when resorted to method easier, that is, preach on the streets and doorways, to draw the attention of passersby and visitors, to the tools of more sophisticated and varied businesses currently employed Many things have taken a different hue in the background as much in the way toward critical target markets.

An element of great importance for the development of commercial and technological juncture, characterized by modernism and the speed of operations, it is according to the present results as the motor fundamental to the process of opening markets and world globalization, the Internet and global information networks have led to a rapprochement between people from different parts of the world, framed in what termed "global village", allowing for changes in all spheres of physical activity.

Considering that the education sector is no stranger to this trend can be incorporated into the universities and affiliated institutions in an environment that allows these to use electronic marketing tools, which allows properly promote and market the products offered for interested parties as well as providing an immeasurable range of opportunities and advantages to both users and providers of services in line with the new educational order worldwide.

In a common sense is to develop a structure that includes topics most relevant topics of electronic commerce with a key application in the most main Dominican universities teaching.

Literature Review

Concept of E-COMMERCE

Lot of challenges is faced by the business due to globalization. Globalization, the companies must adopt the latest technology. Ecommerce is the need of the modern day business and thus ecommerce must be adopted by the business, to compete in the market. Although diverse business model are exist which show different combinations of technology, human resource and other to boost profit. With time, it proved that companies can only sustain in the market only ...
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