Democracy: The Best Form Of A Governmental System

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Democracy: The Best Form of a Governmental System

Democracy: The Best Form of a Governmental System


This piece of study aims to discuss democracy as the best form of a governmental system. It is the perception of numerous people that democracy has countless problems and flaws in it, as well as, there are certain benefits of it. This paper aims to highlight all those pros and cons of democracy, and also discusses other forms of governmental systems in comparison to democracy. Further, the role of political education and intelligent citizenry is also discussed in the later sections of the study.


Spreading democracy is one of the major thoughts that are prevailing in current times. The form of government that is meant to rule a kingless nation is what we refer as democracy. One of the most significant aspects of this governmental form is the trust that public has on a man leading his own people. The ultimate goal of democracy is to provide good governance by replacing the archaic right to throne with a mandate of people serving for their nation. However, it is not as easy as it sounds. There are numerous flaws, loop holes, and negative aspects of democracy. According to Churchill, the government forms that are tried in many countries from time to time, democracy proves to the worst of all those forms of governmental systems. However, there are numerous other people too, who proved this statement wrong by highlighting the positive points that democracy has. Moreover, other forms of governments such as oligarchy and totalitarian also have their pros and cons. Later sections aim to discuss all these facts and findings about the three mentioned forms of governmental systems.


The concept democracy welcomes equality, intelligence, and creativity, and it raises the question that whether the general public should trust a person to lead them or not. This form of government replaces the kingdom rule and the archaic right to throne. Further, in order to make this government form a successful rule, democracy should not be exported, rather it should be homegrown. Countless examples in history prove that bringing out the changes internally is one of the crucial factors in the success stories of nations. Democracy welcomes freedom in all areas of public's life, whereas, there might be some oppressed people present in nations who do not enjoy freedom. It is thus of immense importance to keep in mind all the possible affected areas of democracy. On the other hand, totalitarianism and oligarchy also have their positive and negative aspects. None of the form of governmental system is flawless (Isaac, 1998).


The egalitarian form of government that allows the public policy of a nation to be determined by the citizens of that nation is termed as democracy. In this type of government rule, there is an equal opportunity given to all the citizens to express their opinions. Moreover, the citizens also determine the actions of their state and all the laws under democracy. Understanding the concept of democracy practically, it is the extent ...
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