Decisions In Paradise

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Decisions in Paradise

Decisions in Paradise

Decisions in Paradise


As before documented in my initial concerns, Kava is an isle in the South Pacific where the US army Department of Corrections (DOC) is designing to construct a minimum/medium security facility. This is the second part of my three part allotment, in which I will suggest the answers to the matters that may be faced throughout the construction of my organization.


Problems in Kava

The large-scale difficulties that Kava faces are their natural disasters. It appears that these happen rather often and the people evidently are not adept to organise the clean up in a timely manner. The people of Kava do not have the time or assets to clean up after the catastrophes and hold their plantings alive. The agriculture of Kava is what assists the isle stay productive (Greenberger, Miceli & Cohen, 1987). A tornado or hurricane can be devastating to the plantings, therefore halting output of coffee, sugar and spices. A blaze can decline the output of their petroleum gas and an earthquake can disturb the processing of natural gas. These natural catastrophes origin a disturbance in the output of Kava's assets in one way or another. My association Department of Corrections (DOC) could help expedite the recovery time of these natural catastrophes by providing additional manpower that will be expressly taught to aid the people of Kava (Business Scenario 2009).

Another topic is that 50 % of Kava is under the age of 15 years old. This is going to origin difficulties with employing because workers of US Army DOC have to be 18 years of age or older. School is nearly habitually second to labor. The young children have to help their families with their plantings and other chores. They are furthermore dragged out of school when it is time to clean up after a natural disaster. The young children furthermore spend a large deal of their school time making fixes to the school (McCall & Kaplan,2001). As I have wise, learning is not the first thing on the children's or parents minds. This will make it hard for the US Army detachment Department of Corrections to employ well educated employees. The only good edge to this is that when the young children turn 18 years old. They are well skilled in the building business. This will make it simpler to find well trained workers for the construction process. Because of ...
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