Customer Service Plan

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Planning, Delivering and Monitoring Customer Service of Adams Food

Planning, Delivering and Monitoring Customer Service of Adams Food


In this assignment, I am going to provide a brief customer service plan in which I will discuss the planning, delivery, monitoring and adjustment of customer service in a hypothetical food chain called Adams food. The purpose of this plan is to ensure that the company provides nutritious products at the right time to the target customers.

Plan to Meet the Customer's Needs

External Customers

The existing customers of Adams Food are present across the globe. Since Adams food is a multinational food chain, so it does not set any boundaries on its target customers. The marketing campaigns targets kids, youth, adults and old-age people belonging to lower middle-class, upper-middle class and elite class of each country.

Adams food aims to provide a complete range of fast food items to its customers in compliance with their preferences and taste. The company provides 24 hour service and offers packaged deals in its food chains. Not only this, company also provides 24/7 delivery.

Internal customers

The internal customers of the company are suppliers, vendors and employees. The company manages its relationships with them by signing contracts, which describes all the terms and condition of contract. Apart from this, considering the industry of the company, timely delivery of food supplies and food items is very important. Therefore, the company will ensure that it sends regular payments to its employees and suppliers so that the delivery of services is consistent and on time (Patsula Media, 2001).


The company manufactures hamburgers, french-fries, rice, breakfast meals, beverages, desserts, ice-cream and mid-night meals.

Customer service plan


The food items Adams food meet the food standards set by International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The quality inspection team will check and taste the food items. Moreover, the menu and recipes of the products vary as per the taste and preferences of that region, to improve the quality according to the customer needs.


Customers get the food immediately at the food counter. Customers do not have to wait for their meal to get ready. Moreover, the customers can order the free delivery of food items at their door steps. The maximum delivery time is 15 minutes.


The prices of the products are set by considering the demographics and purchasing power of the local population. The items provided in each country vary depending on taste, preferences, purchasing power and culture of that population (Bonomo, ...
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