Customer Service

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Customer Service

Customer Service

Customer Service

According to (Cole, 2001, p.307) " Customer service is one of the most direct tools we have for building loyalty, attracting repeat business, generating word-of-mouth business and boosting profits. It might be full of paradoxes, but customer service can make or break your organisation."

In scenario 1, we can see that the managers and staffs doesn't care much about the customer service. All they care is carry out company policies by rejecting a guest's request. As we may be aware that bad news pass much quicker than good news. One unsatisfied customer will tell their story to 10 of their friends and the friends of the unhappy customer will tell the story to their friends and so on. All that add up, an organisation will lose enormous amount of customers just from one unhappy customer.

Why Customer Service Plan?

As stated in (Cole, 2001, p. 8) "Planning involves establishing a goal and objectives and deciding how best to achieve them. What needs to be accomplished? By when? What needs to be done to make it happen? Who is best equipped to do it? As the old says goes 'if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.' Things don't happen by themselves: wee need to plan them carefully. After all, a goal without an action plan is just a wish!"

The Planning

According to (Cole, 2001, p.163-4) "The six steps to planning are

Establish a realistic goal and targets.

List all the things that will need to happen in order to achieve you goal.

Sequence the activities in the order in which they should occur.

Communicate your plan to those who will be involved in it or affected by it.

Implement your plan.

Check your progress against the plan to make sure your original targets and time frames are being achieved."

Goals/Mission statement.

According to (Cole, 2001, p.161) a goal is what we want to achieve eventually.

It's very important to have a mission statement. According to (Cole, 2001, p.159) " a mission describes how we do it, or how the vision will be achieved. It is more specific. Mission should focus, motivate and inspire employee, and define the organisation to its customers and suppliers. They set the broad, lone-term direction. Purpose and goals for the organisation and provide guideline for day-to-day decision making."

Mission Statement

We strive to provide the best possible service that meet or exceed our customer's expectation.


To be the largest restaurant franchise in the world.

To reduce the number of customer complaints to minimum.


To have 5% more stores than our nearest competitor by 8/9/2010.

To reduce the number of customer complaints by 10% at the end June 2010

Customer needs

According to (Cole, 2001, p.320) Customers have 4 main needs. They need to feel

Welcome. We have to show that we are glad they chose to come to our establishment.

Important. We have to make them feel that they are special to us and that they are valued customer

Understood. We have to show empathy towards them and willing to be flexible.

Comfortable. Make their experience comfortable and enjoyable both physically and ...
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