Criminology Of Terrorism

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Criminology of Terrorism

Criminology of terrorism


The book “terrorism in America” is written by Borgeson, Kevin, Ph.D. and Valeri, Robin, Ph.D. This paper addresses chapter two of the course reader, which is titled “criminology of terrorism”. They have edited this book to include articles on the models and theories used to explain domestic terrorism such as mental illness, events religious zealotry, fascism and anarchism after the terrorist activities were extended beyond the September 9/11 incidents.


The political theory of anarchism

Anarchism is cited as a form of terrorism through governance. Anarchism is a political philosophy and social opposition calling and abolition of the state understood as a government, and by extension, of all authority, hierarchy and social control that is imposed on the individual, considered undesirable, unnecessary and harmful. (Borgeson & Valeri, 2009)

Anarchism holds the concept that anarchy must be formed in the work of self-liberation from tyrannical relationships. Instead of blowing up the relationships they try to convince others.

The political theory of fascism

The political theory of fascism is to create a corporatist state totalitarianism and a command economy, as its intellectual base poses a submission of reason to the will and action, a nationalist identity strongly with components of victimization that leads to violence against those defined as enemies by an efficient apparatus propaganda, interclass social component, and a refusal to settle the political spectrum.

Leaders with charismatic personality are holds supreme powers to crack down on peace makers, dissidents and individuals who repel. Fascism appeals to the resentments and frustrations of people who think that they are destined for a superior place at global level.

The philosophical theory of religion

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