One phenomenon that has captured the attention in the field of social sciences in recent years after his splendid appearance on stage in the sixties is that of globalization. All societies in the sense that they have understood so far, the participants of a national well-defined state, which got contested, they face different circumstances continually changing the nature of technology at an accelerating rate allow a shortening of the spatial and temporal dimensions of human relationships. The processes that got generated primarily from the field of economy, and they have to do mainly with the integration of financial markets, global market growth, cross-border investments and the hegemony of transnational corporations, with facilities for transport and communications unprecedented mark the beginning of a qualitatively different stage of development of world society.
However, the positions on the scope and effects of globalization are contradictory. Some liberal economists and management science, with a somewhat idyllic, these movements will cause a gradual convergence towards a political, social and economic similar throughout the world. Under certain political circumstances, this discourse of homogenization, which has the full support of the field of business, could come to a paradoxical situation fulfilling prophecy itself. More and more analysts are pointing to the processes of globalization as a phenomenon essentially complex, with contrasting temporal and spatial effects, polarizing even fairly minor in scope and limited to certain elites.
Wholesale Terrorism and Retail Terrorism
The word "terrorism" is politically and emotionally charged, making it difficult to agree on a precise definition. It is common to use the word by governments to accuse their opponents. It is also common for organizations and individuals who practice it rejected the term as unfair or inaccurate (Nelles, 2003). So, come and the others tend to mix the concept of legitimacy or ...