Eyewitness Identification and Criminal Justice System
Eyewitness Identification and Criminal Justice System
Eyewitness identifications play an important role in many police investigations and courtroom decisions. Identification decision accuracy is shaped not only by the quality of a witness's memory but also by social-influence variables. Some variables can be categorized as general impairments, whereas others produce biases against a specific suspect.
Criminal justice is the application or the study of the laws on criminal behaviour. Those who study criminal justice are the law enforcement agencies, working in the ability to have judicial powers and lawyers, met with defending or trying those accused of a crime (The origin of the right). Others work to advocate for changes in the current criminal justice system, such as making decisions on existing laws, such as members of the supreme courts. It is important that the criminal justice system inspires the word justice, as laws applied to those accused of a crime should be fair. The justice also refers not only to the judicial guarantees accorded to citizens of most countries, but also just compensation for victims of crime, for example, see an incarcerated felon. Criminal justice is always a goal. Everyone involved in the arrest, prosecution, defence or resolution of a target of a suspect must be fair. However, this objective is not always true, which is the flexibility in the application of the law (positive law), changes to laws that are unjust, and the judicial power of interpretation.
Because an identification decision is often the key evidence against a suspect, characteristics of identification decisions that might discriminate accurate from inaccurate decisions have been explored. Eyewitness identification plays an important role in investigating and prosecuting crimes. Eyewitness identification is often the primary evidence against a suspect. Unfortunately this is also the most common cause of false conviction.
In the past two decades, scientists have significant psychological efforts to understand the eyewitness identification of dedicated and articulate concerns about the accuracy of eyewitness identification under certain conditions. Mainly based on controlled experiments (e.g., staged crimes), psychologists have a better understanding of how the list of procedures a high degree of influence on the accuracy of identification, which can be obtained. We use the term to refer to the lineup in practice for a number of methodological components of accountability. This includes both the structural properties of the table (for example, the appearance of a list of features of members) and the procedural rules of table properties (such as witness statements, that before viewing).
The scientific study of eyewitness testimony is one of the most successful applied research topics in scientific psychology in the last two decades. Research on eyewitness testimony has a significant land in the past 25 years, including such issues as the jury how to evaluate the evidence, the effectiveness of legal safeguards, children's ability to monitor developments in adults, Re-design aspects of the memories of eyewitnesses recall the effects of stress, techniques to interview witnesses, individual differences in eyewitness skills, development of false autobiographical memories, and ...