Criminal Justice System

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Criminal Justice System

Criminal Justice System


This essay will argue about the criminal justice system and its impact on young people and victimization. The term criminal justice defines the procedure by which criminal activities and conducts are inspected, investigated, evidences collected, arrest orders made, and given punishments. The primary purpose behind the criminal justice is to maintain a proper system of practices and institutions of government to keep strict social control, discourage the crime, and impose penalties on violation of laws.

Criminal justice system represents the system of law enforcement through the collaborative efforts of criminal justice agencies and institutions such as the crown prosecution service, the police, the courts, the youth justice board, national offender management, and voluntary groups. All of these agencies work together to deliver criminal justice.

The criminal justice system has three major components that work together throughout the process from the very beginning of the crime till the end. Those parts are as following;

Local Law Enforcement: it includes police, sheriffs and marshals. The police is the first responders to the crime. Police is involved in the investigation process and find the evidences to arrest the criminal.

Courts: adjudication is the second step of the criminal justice process where a judge is responsible to carry out the hearing process on the basis of factual evidences and witnesses. Then the jury makes the final verdict about the offender whether he is guilty or innocent. The verdict is made on the basis of all the evidences presented by the both sides. The offender is penalized with fines or other punishments.

Correction: penalty phase is initiated right after the person held guilty. The correction departments such as jails and prisons carry out activities in order to eradicate the future crimes by their rehabilitation to offended criminals.


There are so many objectives of Criminal Justice System such as the primary goal is to gain and increase the confidence of public over the criminal justice system regarding their fairness and transparency in the procedures. The other goal is to make sure to eradicate all the misconducts, injustice practices and all types of crimes from the society. Their aim is to bring all the victims, and offences to justice to maintain the peace in the society.

There are various advantages of Criminal Justice System as it helps to eliminate the crime and keep the criminals off the street. It punishes the criminals in order to keep the society clean. The major benefit of the criminal justice is that it fairly speeds the trial process. The convicted criminal can appeal his conviction to the appellate court. The primary benefit of the establishment of criminal justice system is that people resist from committing the crime. It uses technology to update the record of cases which has contributed towards saving the time. Criminal justice helps to deter criminals from pursuing crime again. Prisons keep criminals from offending again and keep potential criminals from committing the offense for the first time.

On the other hand, there are some disadvantages of Criminal Justice System ...
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