Crime And Mind

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Crime and Mind

Crime and the Mind


There is no doubt that the phenomenon of crime and the offense is one of the most dangerous social phenomena that threaten the human race in its security and stability, and even his life. (Richards, 1999). Study of crime helps to understand the nature of the crime, where the results of his research to help community leaders and law enforcement officials in their efforts to prevent crime. In this paper, we are going to study crime and mind.

Advantages of being "Alien"

Alien is persons who is in the state, citizens or subjects of which they are not. It means that a person lives in a state, but he does not belong to that state. Being an alien is an advantage to the criminals because as alien does not belong to that state or country he lives in, he becomes least bothered about that country. The Connection Between alien and crime is one of the most contentious topics in contemporary society. Research has proved that 50% of the aliens are criminals.

In US, there are more than 5.7 million aliens, 12.2% of the total population. In 2008 alien prisoners in US were 22,000. 50% of 5.7 million are 2.85 million; I think it is clear that there are 2.85 million criminal aliens (Sutherland, 2009). Jack in his book has mentioned that a criminal must appear alien and not part of civilized society, his dress, demeanor, and behavior must reflect this. His presence must be unnerving for others. Further he said that, "uncertainty" is related to "chaos" in that during a stickup, the offender is required to maintain suspense and manage the impression of coming from an alien world.

Being alien is a matter of going beyond display to convincing others that one is unrestrained by any commonly understood and accepted ...
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