The paper examines the personality analysis and how criminology takes place in the society. It is argued that body type that relates to criminal behaviour because more criminals have muscular body builds. However, in other words, there is a strong correlation between criminal behavior and a person's body builds. The paper evaluates that is a Person's Body Type Clearly Linked to Criminal Behavior. Perhaps it is suggested that brain can be diseased but a human mind cannot, and the reason is as the mind is not something physical.
Criminology and Personality Behaviour
Crime as social theories is correlated with the structure of society and it's the people. However, there are many more schools of thought. One that has emerged in the criminal justice arena, with significant proof, implies that criminal behaviour is the result of developmental factors.
Discussion and Analysis
Criminal Behaviour
Criminology is a science that deals with the study of crime, the offender, the victim and the social development of criminal behaviour, looking at crime as an individual problem and a social problem on which handle the proper warnings of the same intervention techniques on the offender and the ways of how to fight.
Thus, Causal Criminology is a science because it will explain the why, how, When, Where the offense has been committed from its origins to its development in society. The biological structure coupled with weakness of lower basic instinct like possession, sex and fear of the body of human accentuate the offender's behavior and the tendency towards crime, and the biological school of thought believe in physical development appropriate to limit commit the crime.
What is the criminology?
As for terminology criminology say that the word derives from Latin "criminis" and Greek "logos" which means the treaty or the study of crime, obviously if we look only to their sense terminology varied considerably to give us a clear vision of what this science can offer, for this reason and to give an overview of what we will then criminology's definition Garcia-Pablos in his book Manual of criminology (Siegel, 2010).
Being of special importance that this science to the study of the crimes takes into account all the elements that lead to committing a crime, having a reaction Bio psychosocial, referring to the reasons are biological, psychological and social forces that lead a person to break the law and commit a crime. Then consider the criminal criminology very carefully starting from their individuality (biological factors), the mental aspect (Psychological) and its development with other people and society (social).
On analysis of these two proposed definitions, one finds that economic crime is different from organized crime in the sense that it may be the work of one person, it can act and not by chance by business, that crimes may incur penalties of less than four years and that, if the goal is often linked to profit, it is much more rarely to issues of power. By cons, in contrast, organized crime has resorted to ...