“Criminality has less to do with intellectual ability or stated desires and a great deal more to do with how a person structures his or her experience into specific cognitive patterns (Walters, 2002).” Keeping this in mind, a criminal's interpretation of the events and the justifications of their actions depend on their thinking style. These thinking styles should be considered while assessing the criminals. There are different types of criminal thinking styles, which the criminals used to defend their actions. This paper will argue in favor of the criminal thinking styles, assess their merits, evaluate specific strategic approaches to control the crimes on the basis of the criminal thinking style and will also defend the criminal styles.
Argument in Favor of Criminal Thinking Styles
The criminal thinking styles are effective for the understanding of the criminal behaviors. The criminal thinking allows the criminals to continue their engagement in the criminal activities. The criminal thinking allows us to understand the different patterns of the criminals thought process and to reach a strategy to decrease the criminal activities. By studying the thinking patterns of the criminals, the authorities can examine the interpretations of events in view of the criminals (Walters, 2002). The different types of thinking styles help the authorities to categorize the criminals. They assess the categories of the criminals, which helps them to formulate an appropriate strategy to diminish the criminal thoughts and patterns within a criminal.
The criminal thinking styles and patterns can be altered. By identifying the criminal thinking styles and then creating different strategies to eliminate or reduce these criminal thinking styles can help reduce the criminal activities. By eliminating or reducing the criminal thinking styles and patterns, there will be an increase in the chances of different effective interventions for the criminals.
Merits of the Criminal Thinking Styles
The behaviors, thoughts and feelings are usually under control of the criminal. These three are interrelated with each other. The thought influences the behavior and feeling of an individual, the feelings influence the behaviors and thoughts of an individual and the behavior influences the feelings and thoughts of an individual. This is the pattern of the criminal which becomes the habit for practicing the criminal behaviors (Trgovac et al, 2002). This is a cycle which links everything together. If the link broke, the cycle too will halt. This is how the criminal activities can be ...